Aphrodisiac plants: pros and cons

Aphrodisiac plants: pros and cons
 In today's world there are many who want to talk or joke on the subject of aphrodisiacs. Vulgar jokes, bed giggling, whispering, stories and gossip ... And all who popadja, laughing over advertising miraculous means to increase potency (including containing aphrodisiac). Do men really blindly believe all this?

Questions asked in the lives of men over the years, more and more there are such, not very happy, "presents destiny" as impotence, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation. These problems are many modern men try to solve with the help of various miracle cures amateur (roots, charms and witches) and industrial ("Viagra", ginseng root, aphrodisiacs) scale.

So what is the best aphrodisiac? Placebo? The question of the actual usefulness of these products for a long time there is no - there's all about a kind of "effect of auto-suggestion."

Women say, "Well, let them, what's the difference, if any result! "And you think, ladies, how this affects the chemistry of the body of your man? Year constant orgasms, and then decades of patient care man (if you have a conscience, and you have it, the patient will not throw)?

A small example. There are stories about the world of exciting properties of alcohol. Like, women excites champagne, and a man can turn into a Casanova glass or two of brandy. Most likely, alcohol not only works as an aphrodisiac, but simply removes the psychological clamp, so people and gradually begins to behave in a more relaxed manner.

However, there are many natural herbal aphrodisiacs: various spices and herbs, garden and wild plants and mushrooms and nuts, vegetables and fruits. It is believed that in order to increase libido the first to eat the plants become Chinese. As you know, China is still used in food, mainly seafood, which, combined with spices, and provide an unsurpassed effect in matters of love.

Until now, the sharpness Chinese (and Japanese, Koreans, Thais) is used in cooking a variety of natural ingredients such as cloves, basil, ginger, sesame and more familiar to Russian cuisine parsley and cilantro. Therefore, the Russians often even guess about what to cook for dinner strong aphrodisiac. And then wonder in bed - well, where it come from? ..

Russia, by the way, this issue is also not far from the periphery. Our ancestors in Russia to improve sexual function used onion, garlic, celery leaves. Of course, such an aphrodisiac as onions and garlic, are not as popular stimulant because of its odor. It goes without saying that the partner, smelling of garlic or onion in bed - not the best option for a stormy night. While on the other hand, if the meal before making love, and shared the same man and woman, the physiological effect of co-eating badly smelling products will be quite noticeable.

After all, in ancient Egypt all the dishes were generously flavored with garlic, so it's possible that Cleopatra herself, looking forward to a night of love with the next chosen one and the victim, did not disdain to try these "warm-up" dishes.

Whether in jest or earnest Italian women say that their favorite aphrodisiac - salami. A plant-based ingredients to forming libido sultry Italians are vegetables that are prepared exclusively for a couple of olives and saffron.

In general, whether due to problems with the environment, whether due to satiety consumer society, and, perhaps, due to the worldwide trend towards globalization in the last few decades, the Europeans and the inhabitants of the New World vengeance experimenting with different herbal aphrodisiacs. The leaders in this regard efirosoderzhaschie plants - bergamot, rosemary, ylang-ylang.

Gray days should not beat the desire to do something and, in addition, there are plenty of options to revitalize the senses become a habit and get intimate life will sparkle with new colors. Then come to the aid and the role-playing games, and going to a family psychologist and even the conception of children. As well as aphrodisiacs, as a pleasant and tasty addition to love ...

But both men and women should not forget that the best strong and deep love of mankind has not invented (and hopefully not invent) stimulant, and even the most effective aphrodisiac would be out of work if there is no understanding between the partners and trust.

Tags: plant aphrodisiac