5 foods that elevate mood

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 Certain foods can not only satisfy the hunger, but also to cheer up and fight depression. These products are quite a few, but among them are the 5 most easily accessible and familiar to everyone.

1. Bananas

The most well-known products, uplifting, are bananas. They contain tryptophan - an essential amino acid necessary for the production of "happiness hormone" - serotonin. Tryptophan is not produced in the body, so the need for it can be satisfied only by income from abroad. By the way, with a deficiency in the body develops tryptophan deficiency of serotonin, which can cause depression and severe migraines.

2. Milk

A glass of this well-known since childhood drink is also able to guarantee the portion of good mood. Like bananas, milk contains the amino acid tryptophan. In addition, some of the milk is rich in B vitamins, namely riboflavin (vitamin B2) and cobalamin (vitamin B12). As you know, the B vitamins are needed to maintain a healthy nervous system, from which depends directly and our mood. Even for the normal functioning of the nervous system requires calcium, one of the best sources which is also milk.

3. Tomatoes

Remarkable in many ways a product, improves mood, is a tomato. They contain a significant dose necessary to normalize the nervous system, magnesium and many B vitamins - Thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and folic acid (vitamin B9). Even tomatoes are rich in tryptamine - a substance similar to tryptophan. From tryptamine serotonin may also be produced.

4. Oily sea fish

Excellent product, antidepressant is oil-rich sea fish (salmon, salmon, herring, trout, tuna, mackerel, sardines, etc.). Fish is the main source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which protect against stress and regulate serotonin.

5. Pepper

Foods for mood can be rightfully attributed, and various kinds of peppers. This vegetable is rich in alkaloid capsaicin, which stimulates the production of endorphins. Since endorphins have a positive effect on mood, they also often called "the hormone of happiness." By the way, hot pepper contains capsaicin is much more than, for example, bell pepper.

Tags: product mood, banana, vitamin, anti-depressant