Intoxicating smell of vanilla is known to almost everyone, but few people know about its benefits. The aroma of this spice has a sedative, tonic effect. He will give a feeling of serenity, joy and harmony. Vanilla stick left in the bedroom, will ensure healthy sleep, help find peace and relaxation. Vanilla relieves depression and fatigue. The house where the smells of spices, will reign atmosphere of tranquility, love.
Adding vanilla in some dishes has not only aesthetic, but also practical significance. It improves appetite and normalize bowel function, has beneficial effects on digestion. Also, this spice can relieve menstrual pain and eliminate the harmful effects of alcohol. Vanilla is considered a strong aphrodisiac since the days of the Aztecs. It is able to positively affect male potency. Vanilla, like chocolate helps produce serotonin - the "happiness hormone".
The aroma of spices is very resistant. With proper storage of natural vanilla retained its original flavor for forty years. Proved that the aroma of spices gives sweet dishes even greater sweetness - the taste they seem sweeter than without vanilla. Such properties of spices are often used in the production of dietary products.
Basically vanilla used in cooking. It is added to cakes, sweet pastries, biscuits. Vanilla spice coating, cream is added to the cocoa, chocolate, ice cream and other sweets. This spice is valued not only for unmatched scent added to the dish, it will enhance his own taste, making it much brighter. Therefore, vanilla is added, not only in desserts, sometimes references vanilla recipes found in fish dishes, salads. Often seasoned with vanilla alcoholic beverages. It has a very rich and luscious smell in high concentrations becomes a bit taste bitter, which is why it should be added in extremely small quantities.
Vanilla, in addition to cooking, widely used in cosmetics. Its sweet flavor is present in many perfumes, aromatic oils. Frequently in the manufacture of vanilla is added shampoos, soaps. Vanilla beneficial effect on the skin: relieves peeling, dryness, relieves irritation.