Products against stress

Products against stress
 Long working hours, chronic sleep deprivation, poor nutrition - all this sooner or later leads to stress and depression. No need to immediately run to a psychiatrist to get a prescription for the pill. Better to try to solve the problem with conventional foods.  
 Eat as much as possible products of red - they are able to improve mood. Particularly good effect have tomatoes. Fruits contain phenylalanine, which slows down the process of decay of hormones responsible for mood and health. Drink plenty of tomato juice, add a little ketchup or garnishes eat tomatoes in salads. Turkey also contains phenylalanine, so include it on the menu at least once a week.

Wine contains polyphenols, which improve mood. That's why after a glass of drink felt a surge of strength and a sense of peace. But drink it in large quantities is extremely undesirable, otherwise there is addictive and as a consequence of alcoholism. From drinks are also recommended to be used in unlimited quantities green tea in times of stress or depression.

Often in a bad mood during a desire to eat a chocolate bar, which is quite justified. Cocoa contains natural anti-depressant - phenylethylamine, which is quickly absorbed by the body, and thereby increases the mood. Similarly, action has and chocolate ice cream.

Greens rich in amino acids, which help to overcome depression and get rid of stress. Of vegetable crops during the bad mood is recommended to eat green beans and broccoli - they contain folic acid, which stimulates the production of serotonin.

Milk and chicken contain the amino acid tryptophan. When the body tryptophan is converted into serotonin - the hormone of happiness. If you do not like to drink milk, eat yogurt, cottage cheese, or to get rid of stress.

Fatty fish and other seafood to help get rid of even a protracted and very severe depression. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance serotonin and saturated organism. Also in mackerel, salmon, trout and other fish varieties have vitamin B12, normalizing the nervous system.

Eat healthy foods of plant and animal origin, and then you leave the stress. You can not say for sure that to cope with depression will help some of these products, because all individually. Enjoy life and delicious!

Tags: stress product, depression