What is the beauty of fractional power? Mainly in the fact that you can now indulge in a favorite treat. How so, you ask? Very simple: no matter what you eat. Matter how often and how much you eat it.
The basic principle of fractional power is that there needs several times a day in small portions. A small portion - is one that is placed in a glass. There should be every 2, 5 - 3 hours. Thus, you will never experience hunger, and hence solve the problem of overeating. The stomach will soon get used to the small portions, and you will not overeat.
Let's look at a rough menu fractional power:
1. The very first morning meal accounts for boiled porridge without sugar, milk, and other additives. It was with them should begin your day. Porridge - rich product that can provide you with a long amount of energy. Best suited rice porridge, barley or buckwheat.
2. The next meal should consist exclusively of cooked meat, poultry or fish. It is meat and meat products can fully meet the need of our body at a daily rate of vitamins and minerals.
3. The third meal should consist of fruits. If you wish, you can vary the fruit every day, choosing exactly what suits your taste.
4. The next meal is necessary for vegetables, the best option - it's vegetables, steamed. Vegetable menu, you can also diversify at least every day. The main thing - do not take time for a large number of vegetables.
5. Finally, in the fifth meal should be consumed either milk or fruit again.
This menu allows you to not overeat and, at the same time, do not have time to get hungry. Nevertheless, it is important to use your will power in times of so-called "natural snacking" when, for example, at work all drink tea with sweets and biscuits. If the evening after the last meal you will feel a slight feeling of hunger, at the very least, you can add a sixth meal. In general, this diet is considered one of the most gentle, simple, useful and cost-effective.
If you decide to go to a fractional power, be sure to check the same with its basic rules:
1. First of all, eat often. As soon as you feel hungry, immediately eat what you want. Eat small pieces and after each carefully listen to your body - you are satisfied or not. Once you feel that hunger appeased, stop eating.
2. When you are just starting to move to split meals, eat what you want, and do not blame yourself for every piece of chocolate. When the body gets used to the smaller portions, you can slowly start eliminating harmful foods from the diet.
3. Capture all the positive changes. Began to feel better? Write it down in a diary. Dropped 500 gr.? And this, too, do not forget to write. This will help you keep track of your progress, and most importantly, set to a positive result.
4. Do not forget that this food is strongly activates the metabolism. In particular, peristalsis, be prepared for it.
5. Do not make long breaks between meals, otherwise it will trigger the effect of a camel - the body will endeavor to stock as many nutrients. In the form of fat on the sides, of course.
6. Do not deprive your body fat. Without it can not be normal metabolism. Also drink water in sufficient quantities. By the way, the body often confuses thirst and hunger. Before you eat, drink a glass of water, you may then no longer want to eat. At day drink at least two liters of water.
7. Enrich your diet multivitamins - they will help bring the body as soon as possible in order.
8. Work out. Without exercise, adequate for your body and the level of training, fat burning process will be very slow.
That's all the main recommendations. If you conclude that split meals you like, from now safely begin to live a new life. To get started, simply start eating twice as often, but in small portions, and then try to bring the system of power in accordance with all requirements.