Hits useful and harmful sweets

Hits useful and harmful sweets
 Sweet tooth know that excessive use of sweets can lead to excess weight, tooth decay or pain in the stomach. But is it possible to enjoy your favorite flavor, without harming your health and figure? Yes, if you choose from a variety of sweets the most useful!
 One of the most high-calorie sweets are halva and almonds. They are made of sunflower seeds, peanuts and other nuts. Nuts - high in protein and potassium, and peanuts, for example, may even have choleretic effect from fat in its composition, and it improves memory, attention and contributes to the good work of the heart. But in combination with sugar peanut becomes very nutritious and severe liver and stomach product.

In Coca-Cola and other sweet drinks nothing useful, but only 1,500 kcal per polutoralitrovye bottle.

Pastry cakes, even if they are labeled "low-calorie", those are not - they will have at least 300 calories per 100 grams. And also in the confectionery industry instead of butter is often used harmful margarine, which is not exactly contribute to a good figure.

Sugar-based lozenges in their composition except contain flavoring and coloring agents. Little useful. Furthermore, their sharp edges may damage the tooth enamel, and this leads to the spread of caries.

A chocolate, for example, has many useful properties! First, it raises the spirits through serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Secondly, he is one of the best sources of glucose, therefore contributes to mental activity. However, health is useful only dark chocolate, and the greater the percentage of cocoa, the more useful will this product. Third, dark chocolate has antibacterial and analgesic properties to eliminate cough or sore throat, slowly dissolve slices of dark chocolate. Women in the premenstrual period also notice on itself its healing properties: feeling in the stomach are not as painful, and the mood - not so changeable. Eating chocolate in reasonable quantities, you will bring your body good. The day you can eat up to a quarter of the tiles and remember that white and milk chocolate is much high-calorie black.

Honey contains the same number of calories as sugar (1 tsp - 40 kcal), but it is much more useful. Honey is rich in trace elements, vitamins and bioflavonoids, and has an antiseptic effect. 1-2 teaspoons a day will not harm the figure.

Dried fruit - one of the most useful sweets, because completely natural. It is a storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants, pectin, cellulose. But for all the utility they are also quite high in calories: 100 grams of dried fruit has to 250-300 calories. But this amount per day is enough to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Jujube useful only if it is made from pectin, agar-agar, and gelatin. This marmalade is shown for the stomach, reduce blood cholesterol and cleanse the body of toxins and will positively affect the joints. However, he malokalorien since does not contain fat composition. But, as in all things, should be moderate - it is necessary to control the amount eaten marmalade.

Tags: sweet, parade, useful sweetness hit