One of the most famous fruit that helps fight obesity - a pineapple. He was particularly fond of Hollywood stars and try before each meal to eat at least a slice. The effect of the use of the fruit is pineapple which helps digest food received in the body. So, if you cut down on your daily diet, but it will become a piece of pineapple drink every time when you sit down at the table, the result will not be long in coming. This is achieved by the presence of the enzyme bromelain in pineapple, ability to break down proteins. Especially well it helps to digest meat, fish, legumes and dairy products. It will also be useful to cut the pineapple into small cubes, to dry it and add to tea.
The most low-calorie citrus grapefruit is. The structure consists of its substance naringin, activates the liver. However, to bring the body to use grapefruit, it must be eaten without peeling from gorchaschey film, as desired flavonoid found there. Bile, which stimulates the production of naringin, splits complex fats, and the body, respectively, parting with overweight. It is also recommended to drink on an empty stomach half a glass - a glass of grapefruit juice. In this case, good digestion you provided throughout the day. However, if you are not used to eat this fruit regularly, do not drink the whole glass in one gulp. Start with a quarter, gradually increasing the "dose". Grapefruit also do not abuse people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Excellent component fruit diet - Chinese gooseberry or kiwi. In addition to combat obesity, fruit has an asset - it burns fat that can clog arteries. This reduces the risk of blood clots. Furthermore, kiwi contains magnesium, potassium and fiber that output cholesterol and normalize digestion.
Lipolytic enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of fat, present in the berries. Eaten half an hour before eating a glass of raspberry help digest followed him calorie food. However, like pineapple, berries do not affect the cleavage of subcutaneous fat.
Pear helps weight loss due to contained therein insoluble fiber, beneficial effects on the intestine. The content of fructose in the pear much greater than sucrose, therefore this fruit can have people with diabetes. Pear helps rid the body of toxins and heavy metals - and this is the main condition for a successful diet.