Very often you can hear a piece of advice: you must drink at least 1, 5 liters of water a day. It would seem that all elementary? However, in practice, not easily refuse to drink, even this amount of water during the day. However, there are a few tricks that are easy to drink will help your body and moisturize the skin from within.
1. Do not allow the body to thirst. Thirst - this alarm. If you feel it, your body is already dehydrated. Therefore, in order not to be "too late to drink Borjomi", do not wait for thirst. It is better to anticipate it.
2. Prepare a bottle of water in the morning. In the bustle of the working day to drink a glass of water is often just once. And often we all forget about it, even if on the eve of mentally promised myself so important to drink 1, 5 liters. Harvested in the morning and take with you to work a bottle of cool water will not give the body to suffer from thirst. Take it from time to time by a few sips - and soon it will enter you into the habit.
3. Drink as you want. As is known, the body consists of 65% water, and contraindications for its use in the desired amount almost none. During the day, water is removed from the body through sweat, urine and respiratory system, so the lack of fluid can lead to problems with the metabolism and thermoregulation. Do not limit yourself to the water, set your individual rate.
4. Make diversity. 1 drink per day, 5 liters of water just for you very hard? Herbal teas are useful infusions, fruit drinks, vegetable broth - sources of life-giving water very much.
5. Vary water consumption, depending on physical activity. During sports or any other physical activity the body inevitably increases the flow of moisture. That is why during the training necessary from time to time to drink water in small sips, even if you do not feel thirsty.
6. Long live the fruit! This is perhaps the most "delicious" way to saturate the body with moisture. Do not want to drink plain water? Diversify your diet melon, watermelon, pears, oranges, and thus get the required amount of liquid.
7. Make delicious water. If you think drinking fresh hearth, not in a hurry to move on sugary drinks: artificial flavors and colors hardly benefit you. Put a glass of water slice of orange or lemon, add a few leaves of fresh mint, a couple of ice cubes - and useful drink is ready.
8. Change the grade water. Water is filtered, spring, mineral, gas and without. Each of them has its own taste. Try, choose, make your "water menu" diverse.
9. Avoid dehydration. During his illness the importance of water comes to the fore. Not everyone remembers that severe dehydration can lead to death, especially when it comes to children. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever - all this leads to tremendous loss of moisture, so the patient is extremely important to remedy the lack of liquid. Drinking plenty of fluids in such cases becomes a necessary element of recovery.
10. Drink more in the heat. If the ambient temperature is above 30 ° C, automatically increase the amount of fluid intake. Otherwise you run the risk of heat stroke.