Properties of a beet
Beetroot - the most valuable food and medicinal plants. Contains up to 16% of sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) and amino acid content than many vegetables. Pectin, which lowers the activity of intestinal putrefaction bacteria and prevent the emergence of many diseases, including cancer, in the beet contains more than apples and carrots. It was found that pectin beet effective against radioactive elements and heavy metals (lead, strontium, etc..), Trapped in the body. Fiber contained therein improves digestion ozdoravlivayusche acts on the cardiovascular system because it contained a mineral salts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Very useful in anemia, as it contains trace minerals copper and iron, which are beneficial for hematopoiesis. Zinc, manganese, copper beet regulate metabolism, a positive effect on the function of sexual glands. Zinc has the ability to increase the action of pancreatic hormone - insulin also increases acuity.
Betaine and betanin contained in the beet and give it color, strengthen capillaries, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, improve fat metabolism and liver function. In addition, betaine is formed from choline, prevents fatty liver and providing protivoskleroticheskoe action.
Beet refers to the vegetables with the highest number of iodine, so it is useful for older people and those suffering from atherosclerosis. Improves bowel movements, so it is useful for constipation and obesity.
All these features, using beet can be fine, without too much trouble, spend cleansing the body of toxins.
Cleansing the body
Held beet juice, her cake, kvass, insisted on beets, and common eating.
Beet juice
First of all, you can check using beet juice degree slagging your intestines and liver. Enough to drink 2 tablespoons stand for two hours of beet juice and check the color of urine after administration. If the urine became red color, it means that the liver and the intestine can not cope with cleaning function and breakdown products into the blood, poisoning the entire body.
Taking half a cup of beet juice three times a day, can be perfectly clean the blood of toxins and decomposition products of vital activity of pathogenic organisms. At the same time strengthened the walls of vessels, will dissolve cholesterol plaques and cleared from the blood.
Beet cake
Beetroot as a broom cleans out all the harmful from the body. For effective cleansing should be used beet cake (scrap obtained). At the same time take 3 tbsp. Spoon the cake. You can cook it like this: clean beets and rub on a small grater. Juice press, and pomace knurled balls the size of a bean, and dry them. Take half an hour before a meal, not liquid and no drinking. Use these beads can be up to 5 days from the date of their preparation. The course of treatment - 5 days.
Beet kvass
A very beneficial effect on the course of a two-body beet kvass. This restores the cholesterol and fat metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, occurs purgation, recovered memory, the head becomes clear away excess fat. To make it, take 1 kg of beets, wash, peel and cut into slices. Then it all came together in a three-liter jar. Add 100 g of sugar and 2 grams of salt, a crust of rye bread and fill with warm water. Soak in a warm place for three days. Drink half a cup for 30 minutes before meals for 2 months.
Recipes cleanse the body beets very easy to prepare and use, and, in addition, are very effective.