What foods contain vitamins

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 Currently, the market is flooded with a large number of products containing harmful substances and preservatives. Man as necessary vitamins to be in good shape. Therefore, it is important to know what foods contain them. Eating useful and rich in vitamins food has beneficial effects on all organs and systems.

Vitamins are very important for the normal functioning of the human body. It is very important to the everyday menu consisted of 80-90% of products containing these veschastva. Only if the power will be complete and will benefit health.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Retinol - a powerful antioxidant. Contains vitamin A in the liver and fish oil. No wonder before all preschools given fish oil. In addition, retinol has a yellow, red and green vegetables and fruits, as well as many berries and herbs. Rich in this vitamin carrots, apricots, pumpkin, spinach and parsley. Butter, egg yolks, whole milk and cream contain high amounts of vitamin A.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin E is called "fertility vitamin". This means that it provides the gonadal sex for both women and men. Canadian doctors say that if the path of blood flow there is an obstacle (blood clot), then vitamin E may participate in the formation of a number of new blood vessel.
This vitamin is found only in plant foods. Tocopherol in minor amounts may be found in leafy vegetables, cereals (but untreated) bran, in vegetable oils. In spinach or broccoli enough tocopherol.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Without vitamin C is impossible to build human organs and cells fight infection. Its presence in the body is very important.

Ascorbic acid is found in all kinds of cabbage, grapes, apples, bananas, grapefruits and sauerkraut. But the record for the content of vitamin C is still an exotic fruit kiwi. Black currant, melon, persimmon, mountain ash, raspberry, blackberry, rose hips, sea buckthorn also incorporate ascorbic acid. Rich in vitamin C peppers and tomatoes, beets, carrots, onions, potatoes - baked. A huge amount of this vitamin found in elderberry, which undeservedly forgotten.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

This vitamin is involved in many biochemical processes, such as transformation of amino acids, oxidation and reduction reactions. Riboflavin carries electrons and synthesizes other vitamins in the body.

Its reserves are in meat and dairy products, as well as have a B2 in eggs, fish, whole grains - buckwheat and oats. Many of riboflavin in legumes, cabbage, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, apricots, mushrooms, peanuts, yeast and whole grain breads.

Vitamin B12 (tsiankobolamin)

Vitamin B12 enhances the activity of white blood cells, strengthens the immune system than a person is involved in hematopoiesis and prevents obesity. A very important function - stimulation of the brain.

Tsiankobolamin found in plants such as soy and hops; in the tops of some vegetables, spinach and lettuce, as well as seaweed and yeasts. Most of it is in beef and veal liver, kidney, egg yolks, powdered milk (low-fat), sardines, salmon, herring, oysters, crabs.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

This vitamin is involved in processes related to the construction of protein from amino acids. Therefore it is very important for the body, because the protein is present in all organs and systems.

Pyridoxine is found in eggs, shrimp, oysters, salmon, tuna, ham, chicken meat, ground beef and lamb, liver, cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products. They are rich and sprouts, potatoes, peas, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, beans, lentils, soybeans, leafy green vegetables, cereals and many cereals, yeast, nuts, seeds, berries and fruits. Record for the content of vitamin B6 - a banana.

Vitamin D

This vitamin helps the human body to absorb calcium. Calcium is essential to bone formed the skeleton and teeth.

Stores of vitamin D are concentrated in milk products, cheese and cheese, vegetable oil and butter, raw egg yolks; seafood, fish liver - especially the halibut and cod; in cod liver oil, herring, tuna, mackerel, mackerel. Oatmeal, potatoes, parsley, and some grass - alfalfa, dandelion greens, nettle and horsetail - also his sources.

Vitamin PP (nicotinamide)

Nicotinamide or niacin helps in the absorption of fats in the body, reducing the level of harmful cholesterol, participates in tissue growth and maturation.

Contains vitamin PP in beef liver, pork, cheese, fish, milk, eggs, kidney, white meat chicken. Rich in this vitamin sorrel, sage, burdock root, alfalfa, rose hips, catnip, red clover, cayenne, chickweed, raspberry leaves, chamomile, peppermint, ginseng, horsetail, hops, Euphrasia, fenugreek, fennel seed, nettle, mullein, parsley, oats, dandelion. Broccoli, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peanuts, dates, yeast, cereals, corn flour and wheat germ - a storage of the vitamin.

Vitamin F

This vitamin is involved fat metabolism and affect the functioning of the reproductive sistemy.Profilaktika and effective treatment of atherosclerosis impossible without vitamin F.

Foods containing vitamin F: peanuts, flaxseed, almonds, sunflower, vegetable oil (cocoa, olive oil, wheat germ, flax)

Vitamin H (biotin, vitamin B7)

Biotin affects the health of skin, hair and nails. It is synthesized in the gut microflora. It is therefore important to monitor the health of the intestine.

Foods containing vitamin H (biotin): lamb, soybeans, beef, dairy products, pasta, milk, sea buckthorn, oatmeal, liver, kidney, egg yolk.

Eating more foods containing vitamins, man gives his body a chance to function properly and be healthy.

Tags: fat product, seeds, immunity, herbs, vitamins, cholesterol reduction, operation, retinol