The product improves memory

The product improves memory
 Began to disturb excessive nervousness, irritability and poor memorability? Perhaps the brain has been working hand to mouth and it is time for him to show special care - saturate it with nutrients. Their main food source is, but you need to know exactly which products improve memory to include them in the daily menu.  
 For the full process of thinking and good memory brain takes a few substances: glucose, iron, B vitamins, zinc and copper, lecithin, calcium and magnesium, fatty acids. And because they are present in the available products, you just do not forget to include them in the daily menu.

Glucose gives the brain cells with energy. But they consume it in large quantities - 20%. This is despite the fact that the brain is a 2% by weight of the body. Glucose is the source of honey, bread, noodles, vegetables, dried fruits, fruit, especially valuable bananas and potatoes.

Choline is found in vitamin antisclerosic. It is part of the containment brain cells and prevents their deterioration. Lack of choline is considered the main reason for the decline of memory. In the body this substance comes from products such as egg yolks, sardines, wheat germ.

B vitamins provide a quick "inclusion" of the brain: B2 prevents damage to the nervous tissue, is involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine required for memory, B5 has anti-stress effect, B12 prevents dementia and activates the power of nerve cells and brain activity. Source of B vitamins are whole grains, wheat germ, beans, herbs, cheese, fish, soy.

Iron is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, whose main activity is the transport of oxygen to the tissues. For the brain it is vital. Hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation can cause memory loss, drowsiness, fatigue, frequent yawning. Source of iron is meat, apricots, pumpkin, beans, beets, clams, almonds, hazelnuts.

Essential fatty acids are omega-3 are included in the structure of cell membranes. Activate brain activity, improve memory. The source of the fatty acids are flax seed, walnuts, seafood (ocean fish).

Zinc and copper are necessary for normal brain activity. Their deficiency leads to lower memory and poor concentration. Remove these substances can be made from potatoes, oats, cauliflower, rye, pumpkin seeds, almonds, oysters, beef.

Lecithin is an essential component of the myelin layer and containment of brain nerve cells. Adequate intake of lipotropics provides a good memory and normal brain activity. Lecithin rich in nuts, eggs, butter, beans, brewer's yeast, soy, sardines and mackerel.

Calcium and magnesium strengthen nerves. The source of these substances are dairy products, bran, whole-grain bread. For good absorption of calcium and vitamin D is needed to remove it, you can yolk and liver.

Antioxidants protect brain cells from damage and premature aging. Antioxidant properties are vitamins C and E. They can be extracted from garlic, onions, cabbage, sweet peppers, black currants, rose hips, unrefined vegetable oils. Similarly, action has selenium, copper, and polyphenols contained in the grains of grapes, apples, green tea, olive oil.

If the brain lies the increased intellectual load, you should regularly include in your daily diet of foods that improve memory. This is one banana, 5 walnut kernels, almonds, hazelnuts, 1 tablespoon honey, 100 grams of raisins, dried apricots, brown bread, vegetable salad, 1 egg, oatmeal or buckwheat or garnish of these cereals, legumes, milk, butter, cottage cheese, yogurt, dark chocolate, any fruit. Twice a week (no more) is useful to eat a meat dish and one time - fish.

Tags: memory product activity