Medicinal properties of the golden whiskers

 Golden mustache, one of the most unique indoor plants. Very unpretentious, it is ready to give people their entire healing power unconditionally. Naturopaths claim that the golden mustache cures 100 diseases. To learn how to prepare a decoction and infusion lotions tell women's magazine JustLady.  

Conflict of fragrant - she's golden mustache, it is also home ginseng, she's living hair, she Far mustache was brought to our country in the XIX century in Mexico and at first was just a potted plant. For now,healing properties of the golden whiskers - The subject of careful study of many research institutions, both in Russia and abroad. So much attention is because the drugs are golden mustache - one of the most effective in the treatment of cancer. But, having undoubted advantages, golden mustache should be used with great caution as quercetin and kaempferol, active substances that are contained in the plant, and can be harmful if you do not follow the correct dosage. Therefore, if you decide to use one of the recipes from the collision fragrant - be sure to consult with your doctor.

It should also be remembered that the treatment of the golden mustache should observe strict diet so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. Are strictly forbidden:
1. Smoking
2. The use of alcohol
3. Cakes
4. Candy
5. jam, sugar, halva and other pleasures
6. Fried
7. island.

With that, a women's magazine JustLady Please note that alcohol and smoking should be completely excluded, and in the following year after treatment. Just golden mustache should not be used during chemistry and radiation therapy with other anti-cancer drugs.

During treatment should be limited to:
1. Dairy products
2. Meat
3. Potatoes
4. Yeast bread

Arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis recommend to rub the oil with a golden mustache. Preparing it simply, the shoots and leaves are crushed, squeezed juice is mixed with oil and infused for three weeks in the refrigerator. After this is stored in a cool dark place. Oil is used and as applications and massage.

Hypertension, bruises, fractures, skin diseases and frostbite apply ointment. Leaves and stems are cut finely triturated in a mortar slurry is mixed with a baby cream in the ratio 2: 3. The resulting mass is needed to shift into a glass jar and store in refrigerator.

For bruises, post-surgical adhesions, sprains, colds and osteochondrosis herbalists advise to usehealing properties of the golden whiskers - Rub a tincture with shoots and leaves of this plant. About 50 tribes golden mustache, finely cut and pour one liter of vodka, insist 2 weeks, every day, stirring, filtered. Store in the refrigerator must tincture.

To cleanse the body, colds and flu, liver and gastrointestinal tract, as well as in various skin diseases drink teas. Golden mustache crushed, pour cold water, bring to a boil. Remove, filter, and insist. 2 liters of water should take about 30 tribes.

For the treatment of alcohol use broth. Broth should be used under the scheme: the first 20 days and 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals. Make a break for 5 days. The next 21 days on the same dessert spoon 3 times a day before meals. Take a break. Treatment is recommended to continue until complete recovery.

Medicinal properties of the golden whiskers

Photo: Egor Gladnikov

For the treatment of beriberi herbalists use different teas with a golden mustache. 2 cups of boiling water take 2 tablespoons of black currant, 1 spoonful of chopped nettles, 4 leaf golden mustache and a tablespoon of honey. Tea insist 3:00 and drink during the day.

For the treatment of neurosis and depression is also recommended tea with collision. ¼ tablespoon of dried and crushed roots of motherwort, 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 spoon of fennel, ½ tablespoons lemon balm leaf and half of the golden whiskers. All of this pour three cups of boiled water, and drink 2 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. You can also make tea with a different composition: take a teaspoon of rhizomes of valerian, hops cones and peppermint, pour 3 cups of boiling water, insist, strain, cool. Before use, ¼ tablespoon of alcohol tincture golden mustache and drink 2-3 a day for half a cup.

For cancer are advised to use only oil emulsion. In clean glassware pour 40 ml linseed oil, add 30 ml of alcohol tincture of golden whiskers, close the jar and shake well. Quickly drink to alcohol and oil is not divided. Apply the emulsion must be on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before a meal. You can not drink or jam emulsion. You can only drink after a meal - the food should consist mainly of fruits, vegetables and fish (the list of banned products look above). Apply the emulsion must be made within 10 days, then take a break for 5 days and continue treatment. After the third year make a break for 10 days. Repeat until recovery.

Women's magazine JustLady warns that according to research by Mr. Korodetsky, an expert on the treatment of the golden mustache, in the use of emulsions possible deterioration of the patient: there is a weakness, diarrhea, pain intensified, deteriorating overall health. However, these symptoms are at 5-7 days and discontinue treatment in any case impossible. So we should not be afraid of blood in the stool - is the result of cleansing the body. On ulcers, fistulas and abscesses herbalists recommend applying tampons soaked oil emulsion. Just recommend swabs and cervical cancer, and rectal cancer do microclysters.

We remind you that at leasthealing properties of the golden whiskers and well reviewed and approved by official medicine, you should strictly follow the dosage and doctors' recommendations.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: gold, property