Lack of water in the body: Precautions

Lack of water in the body: Precautions
 The body of modern man loses it needs the rate of clean water. Is it scary? After all, in large quantities consumed a variety of other beverages containing moisture. Why do doctors keep telling: "Drink plenty of clean water"? What is fraught with a lack of it in the body, and what steps you need to take?

"Drinking a sufficient number of drinks, we provide the body the necessary amount of water." This idea - one of the biggest misconceptions of our time. Of course, much nicer to drink a bottle of sweet fizzy drink or a cup of flavored hot tea than a glass of tasteless liquid. What's the difference? After all, soda, and tea made on the basis of the same water.

But the main problem is that the body needs is clean water. It is powered cells of all organs, especially the brain. And this is very serious. With a constant shortage of liquid brain size may begin to decrease. This person can not adequately think and perform the usual duties.

The body does not always signaled us about the lack of water thirst. Lack of this vital component may mean some feelings and states:
• Lethargy.
• Feeling tired or anxious.
• Link to a variety of artificial drinks (tea, coffee, soda, alcohol, etc.)
• Depression and a sense of despondency.
• Restless sleep or dream of water in its various manifestations.
• Shortness of breath in a healthy person.
• quick-tempered and irritable.
All this, according to experts, can mean dehydration.

The collection rate of the fluid into the body - 2 liters per day. This does not mean that you need to drink every day more than 2 liters of pure water. But think about the following.

Carbonated water you drink contains far nutrients, altering the chemical composition of the body. This is not very good. Everyone's favorite tea, of course, useful, but has a diaphoretic and diuretic properties. As a result, the moisture in the body only becomes smaller. Milk is not water, and relates more to the food. But how much do you eat soups a day?

And now mentally prossummiruyte how much water goes into your body each day. At least a liter of type? .. Therefore, remember to several rules for admission of water:
• Drink it in small portions 200-250 ml - periodically throughout the day.
• Drink before eating. Glass of water half an hour before meals will help prepare the digestive tract and avoid excessive overeating.
• Drink and after eating, after 2-2, 5 hours. This will eliminate the dehydration caused by the processes of digestion of food.
• It is necessary to drink before exercising.
• Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up. This will help eliminate dehydration after a long sleep.

Tags: body, water, utility and necessity, danger, lack, precaution