How to determine the duration of the cycle

How to determine the duration of the cycle
 Menstrual cycle in women - is an indicator of its health, its general physical condition and mental health. Change, cessation of menstruation is a signal that the dramatic changes taking place in the body. But this is an exceptional case. Often, the process of change is seamless, asymptomatic. And to identify the general condition is necessary to know its inner loop.
 Normal, regular, ordered by time and duration of the cycle - this is an ideal blood pressure as an excellent indicator of cholesterol - the main factor in women's health. Guarantor of its reproductive capacity, the cycle shows that the internal organs are functioning well, there is a balanced work on cleansing the entire body of toxins and other elements of decay.

It is therefore necessary to know very precisely the frequency and duration of menstruation. For this woman keeps a calendar start and end of the cycle. To know the exact period of the cycle, it is necessary for the body followed by a minimum of 4-6 months, and only after they make any conclusions.

Considered cycle is very simple. It begins with the first day of menstruation and ends before the day when the next menstrual period (all the days until the first menstruation is, of course, part of the cycle).

The average period of the cycle is the figure of 28 days. This is absolutely not an indication of the norm. Every woman all happening individually. And the cycle length is 35 days or two weeks - this is the same rate, if he comes on time and place without complications.

Should know and some factors change a woman's cycle, which do not depend on the state of health and not harm.

1. The change of seasons. For the calendar year in summer and winter cycle behaves differently, can move within a year up to a whole week. Incidentally, in the extreme heat and bitter cold period may behave somewhat "inadequate" - stop or, conversely, to be abundant.

2. A sharp change in the climate of latitude, for example, a trip in the winter on the sunny tropical resorts - the body in a stressful situation, it is an urgent need to restructure, and the cycle is in agreement with the organism.

3. Diet. Greasy, spicy, rich in cholesterol foods can speed up the arrival of menstruation. Strict diet often leads to delay, delay (actual sudden weight loss can all cause a no-show monthly).

4. Stressful situations, physical or mental workload increased during the month.

What should alert a woman in her cycle? It's sharp, nothing unreasonable jumps Different durations (if it is not the first year of forming cycle or menopause). Constant discomfort, sharp nagging nagging pain in the abdomen during menstruation. Menstruation duration - over 10 days. In such cases, access to a doctor. And the first thing to ask an expert about the duration of the cycle, with this information more accurately and quickly diagnose.

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