Essential oil of mandarin

Essential oil of mandarin
 Mandarin - it is an evergreen tree up to 6 m tall, with very bright juicy fruits, fragrant flowers and shiny leaves. Homeland mandarin - Vietnam and China. The tree belongs to the family Rutaceae. Interestingly origin of the name of the tree - in his homeland juicy and sweet fruit served only rulers of the country, who were called tangerines. Hence the name of the tree. In Europe, the first time these exotic fruits tried only in the early nineteenth century. Today mandarins are ubiquitous, few people do not like the sweet and juicy fruit.

In eastern countries medicine for centuries used the peel mandarins for medicinal purposes, being aware of its beneficial action. So, it was used to mitigate the severe coughing, bronchitis and sore throat, to improve appetite and digestion. From tangerine peel by cold pressing an essential oil, which is widely used for recreational purposes, and in cosmetology. Learn more aboutessential oil of mandarin and application it for the benefit of your body can be in the women's magazine JustLady.

Essential oil of mandarin obtained from the peel of the mature fruit. Oil color - reddish-yellow or dark orange, bright flavor of fruit and sweet. The largest producers of oil are considered Italy and Brazil. From unripe fruits get a different kind of oil - green mandarin, which because of its mild can use even children. The composition includes mandarin oil, limonene, caryophyllene, myrcene, α- and β-pinenes, geraniol, linalool and other components by which essential oil is widely used not only in cosmetics, medicine, perfume, but also as a food additive.

Essential oil of mandarin: use as a sedative

This remarkable oil is very good at helping people who have suffered grief, cope with their situation, restore your emotional balance, find the strength and desire to live. It helps to restore their morale after a serious illness and emotional crises, removes from depression. If you life is not sweet, it seems gray, bleak and empty, tangerine oil will invigorate you and return the will to live. It helps with insomnia, providing a strong and peaceful sleep, relieves stress and fatigue. It is an indispensable tool pre irritability and nervousness, with fear and suspense. And oil has beneficial effects on children and adults. Feeling happy and bright flavor of this oil, a person much better starting to feel him back fit and cheerful mood.

The effect of mandarin oil is enhanced in combination with other citrus. In general, the essential oil of mandarin combined with such oils: neroli, bergamot, limetta, patchouli, vetiver, basil, cinnamon, mint, nutmeg, ylang-ylang, marjoram.

Essential oil of mandarin: use as a cosmetic

Essential oil of mandarin - the best way to smooth wrinkles. It makes the skin blooming, clean, improves the complexion. Incidentally, it is very effective and herpes. Very good care of the skin and prevents the formation of stretch marks, so it can be used even moms who care about their figure. This is a wonderful tool for winter maintenance when the skin is lacking in the sun and heat - it tones, refreshes and regenerates the skin. Very good for oily skin - tightens pores, reduces shine. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, cleanses it of cellulite and stretch marks. For example, after giving birth, you can restore the skin with a mixture of mandarin, neroli and lavender. The effect of using this oil for skin care body is simply amazing - it becomes smooth, the relief of the epidermis is leveled.

Essential oil of mandarin - A magical remedy for sagging and tired skin, it comes to life before our eyes. Journal JustLady Please note that this oil should not use before going in the sun, so as not to cause a skin reaction. If you are applying oil you feel that your skin has become a little burn, she became slightly reddish, do not be afraid of this reaction, it is quite natural. To enrich tangerine cosmetics in the following proportions: 5-8 drops per 15 g of the base oil.

Essential oil of mandarin: use as a therapeutic agent

Essential oil of mandarin is especially useful in winter, when our body is lacking in the sun, vitamins and energy. It contributes to a better digestibility of vitamins, improves the immune system, improves appetite, digestion and cleanses the body of toxins. This oil has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic and anti-scorbutic activity. Good help to those suffering from inflammation and bleeding gums. Displays the body of excess fluid, has a choleretic effect and helps to successfully fight against excess weight. This oil is very mild - he is loved and used even by people who are prone to allergies.

Methods of application of tangerine oil

• In incenses: 1-5 drops of mandarin 15 sq.m .;
• In the bath: 3-5 drops;
• Massage: 6-7 drops of oil on 15 g base;
• Cold inhalation: 5-7 minutes.
• Internal use: 1 drop of oil with honey, jam or biscuits. Wash down kefir, yogurt or tea.

Essential oil of mandarin is very fragrant, and gourmets like to add it in a variety of dishes, which gives the oil refined taste. For example, it can be added to baked goods, fish, chicken, salads and enrich wine and juices.

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: oil, mandarin, application