Common Mistakes to strengthen immunity

Common Mistakes to strengthen immunity
 People tend to neglect their health, nadsazhivayas at work, plunging headlong into the household and completely forgetting about yourself. But at the same time the body requires support from his master. And sometimes, giving him signals, man turns to the various measures strengthens the immune system. But along the way he often permits certain common mistakes.  

To understand what is going wrong, you need to remember - which, in principle, there are opportunities to strengthen the immune system.

One of the most well-known ways to support your body is charging, as well as some of its varieties - workout in the gym, akvagimnastika other sports exercises. It would seem, what a mistake it can be assumed when the familiar people exercise? However, things are not so simple. To charge brought only benefit, you must be aware of certain rules.

Thus, all the basic sets of exercises are built with all the features of the human body: the first movement associated with warming up the muscles and the "entrance" to the operating mode. Following is a more complex set. Completion exercises allow to relax a little. A typical mistake is the failure of the first and last movements, resulting in injury.

Another violation - performance systems, for one reason or another person contraindicated. It is important to remember that some elements of the charging require sufficient flexibility and skills, and can not immediately try to fulfill them. In addition, each exercise requires a certain number of repetitions, the excess of which can adversely affect the condition of man after a workout.

Excessive zeal is also a typical error in strengthening the immune system through hardening. This procedure must be carried out strictly according to certain requirements. Recommendations for hardening adjusted for the physical parameters of the person, his age, gender, health status. Optimal program can be only after consultation with experts. Before embarking on water dousing or jogs in the cold, it is necessary to consider a detailed plan, otherwise, instead of the desired objective person will achieve the opposite effect.

Not only hardening and charging, but also various food additives used to strengthen the immune system. This immunostimulants, vitamins, and their complexes. You can talk about a few typical mistakes of their use. Firstly, ignoring instructions that contain the exact method of application of designation means. Secondly, the wrong combination of elements. It is a mistake to believe that vitamins - it's just good. They are more likely to produce an unbalanced amount of harm. The third common mistake - receiving the wrong medication. So, people are outward signs conclude about the lack of a vitamin, but this conclusion is not always correct. However, the real cause of the disease or general deterioration can be judged only by a doctor, who must appoint a course of drugs that will strengthen the immune system.

Tags: body, bug, immunity, strengthening