In addition, the strength of the stress depends on the time and frequency of the so-called stressors (stress factors) on the body. If you get a "portion" regularly, and, nothing but trouble imposed on others, and gradually accumulate, there is a danger to be in a state of depression and get a neurosis, and then high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke.
Experts studying the impact of stress on the body, it is conventionally divided into several stages. So, first, when there is some kind of stimulus, there comes a stage of anxiety, during which the body prepares to defend him from threatening "danger". This is manifested quickening heartbeat, increased blood circulation, increased (or decreased) pressure, sweating, and so.d. Next to the body there is a problem - to adapt to the danger or resist. At this time, there is the restructuring of the immune system and may develop certain diseases, ie,.to. subjected to shock weakest point, for example, there may be a gastric ulcer, allergy, influenza, cancer, etc.. If at this stage the stress could not be overcome, there is a complete exhaustion, all its reserves are exhausted. As a result, you see a person tired, loss, inability to concentrate, indifferent to what is happening around him.
With such a strong need to fight stress. Moreover, no longer alone, and often with the help of a specialist therapist. The most common ways to overcome severe stress - relaxation sessions, soothing herbal remedies, massage, medicine.
To not bring themselves to such extremes, it is important to learn how to escape from stressful situations or weaken their influence on the body. To do this, in general, need a bit: not to take immediately after the large number of cases, do not take to heart failure, to avoid conflicts and overwork. Stress is not buckled your health, if you conduct a correct way of life, to develop physically, eat well and rest. Learn to relax and try to think only in a positive way, and you learn to manage your stress.