Taraxacum officinale - a perennial plant of the family Asteraceae. This plant is one of the most popular in the world, and is probably why they are so neglected. Dandelions can vary in height and diameter of inflorescences, as it depends on the conditions of their growth. The plant blooms for a long time to form during this period a large number of seeds, dandelion so ubiquitous in nature. Fluffy seeds are picked up and carried by the wind over long distances, and the plant is conquering new territory. Therefore, this uninvited guest can often be found in the gardens. However, there he is considered a malignant weed. This is a very undemanding plant adapts to any soil. As soon as the warm spring sun, the plant begins to grow very young leaves. And soon emerge and flower stalks with buds. And then one day on a background of juicy leaves magically revealed lemon-yellow baskets that cover the ground solid solar carpet. Instantly landscape is changing, becoming a picture of great beauty.
Medicinal properties of dandelion
Modest and unpretentious plant dandelion contains many chemical elements: magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, aluminum, copper, and iron. It is also a "sun in miniature" contains vitamins A, B and C.Medicinal properties of dandelion known for a long time, it is no wonder that this plant is called "the elixir of life." Dandelion has anti-inflammatory, choleretic, analgesic, diuretic, tonic and diaphoretic action.
All parts of the dandelion find their application: flowers, leaves and evendandelion root. The latter, due to the content of starch and sugar substitute, is an excellent dietary product, highly digestible in diseases of the gall bladder, kidney and diabetes. Dandelion helps the body eliminate toxins, normalizes the function of the cardiovascular system, improves mood, raises the general tone.
Leaves anddandelion root contain polysaccharides, rubber, oil fat, insulin, organic acid, choline, calcium and potassium salts, vitamins, carotenoids and many other substances. Furthermore, detected in leaves vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus and saponin.
Dandelion root: application
Bitter substances contained in dandelion help of the digestive tract, improve appetite, have diuretic, choleretic and laxative effects. Grass anddandelion root used in the treatment of liver, gallbladder, gastritis, jaundice. Skin diseases, inflammation of the lymph nodes are also used part of the dandelion. Bulgarian national physicians use a dandelion juice and leaves the treatment of anemia, atherosclerosis, inflammation of the intestines and stomach, avitaminosis C. German medicine uses dandelion root for the treatment of kidney stones and bladder, and the young leaves and juice for gout, anemia and vitamin deficiency. It is noteworthy that in France dandelion - vegetable crops. French use leaves of plants for food, for which it is soaked for an hour in the cold salt water to remove bitterness. The root and leaves are used to improve the composition of the blood, liver treatment, gout and skin diseases. The infusion of the roots of dandelion useful for rashes, abrasions, inflammation of lymph nodes, thyroid and pancreas, with high acidity.
Dandelion root: use as a tincture
Dandelion roots (1 tablespoon), pour boiling water (200 ml), leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take before meals (15 minutes) on a third cup 3-4 times a day. This infusion is perfectly improves appetite. Remember that the roots of dandelion have a choleretic effect.
Herbal infusion is prepared as follows: raw materials (1 tablespoon), pour boiling water (400 mL), filtered through 2:00. Take tincture before meals 4 times a day for half a glass.
Dandelion juice is very useful lactating women, because it enhances lactation. Dandelion prevents the development of cirrhosis and obesity, clean the ducts of the gallbladder, treats gastritis, liver.Dandelion root in powder form helps heal burns faster, wounds and ulcers, the recovery of metabolism, treatment of wounds festering. For hypertension and insomnia useful decoction of the flowers of this plant, and alcohol infusion of flowers of great help for rheumatism. Well, the benefits of dandelion flowers jam is obvious - it's tasty and curative treat.
Dandelion and helps with pain in the eyes, headache and general malaise. Leaves of the plant are rich in beta-carotene, riboflavin, thiamine, protein, minerals and phosphorus. Application dandelion helps stabilize blood pressure and to reduce body weight.
Dandelion root: contraindications
Women's magazine JustLady advises not to deprive the attention this wonderful healer, the more that the plant has virtually no contraindications. It is as universal as, for example, a well-known rose. Dandelion can take people of all ages.
Dandelion is not for nothing called "the elixir of life." This humble plant - a real helper in many diseases. Women's magazine JustLady advises you not to neglect them!
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady