The length of the nerve fibers in our body is 1 billion. Meters. Do not believe that nerve cells do not regenerate if it were so, we would not be able to resist shocks and attacks of fate, any adverse circumstances would have wound up in a dead end. Nerve fibers are recovered, but very slowly, so let's take care of your nerves and not think about how to quarrel with the boss or colleague unpleasant andhow to strengthen the nervesUsingCommon methods.
Calm, just calm
All diseases of the nerves - this statement we know very well, and often repeat it to myself, sitting in a doctor's office or at another time unsuccessfully trying to sleep.How to strengthen the nervesSo as not to be annoyed at the slightest pretext and not get depressed, shivering from any loud words or screaming? First of all, understand the simple truth that your health is in your hands and you can not allow strangers to destroy him and take your vital energy. Do not allow yourself to raise his voice and insult, immediately suppress such communication. You - self-sufficient person, you have achieved a lot in this life. Work, family, close friends - these are the factors that makes your life meaningful and support the desire to go further and develop. Even if at the moment something is not possible, be persistent, follow to the purpose, and destiny will appreciate your efforts.
The rescue of drowning - the handiwork of drowning
So first of all, give yourself the right inner installation: no circumstances dispose of you, and you manage your life, feelings and emotions. This will help smooth out the painful reaction to some negative life moments and add confidence. Then you can move on to the ... water procedures!
Sea, river, any body of water is a great help for our nervous system. Water soothes, relieves tension and tempers the immune system. Try to use every opportunity during the summer to swim in the sea or river, sunbathe in the sun and soak up the warm, golden sand.
How to strengthen the nerves at home, if the court of winter and the sea far? Take a warm bath with herbal decoction, they are ideal sandalwood, lavender and chamomile. Add 100 g of grass three cups of boiling water, strain and pour into a bath of water. Turn on soft music, light a candle and let yourself relax. Well, if you want to join a loved one, it only add positive in water treatment.
How to strengthen the nerves through nutrition
For the normal functioning of the nervous system need a variety of eating the brain to get enough essential nutrients. Wholemeal bread, cereals, meat products, seafood contain B vitamins, folic acid and niacin, which are so important for normal nervous activity. Bananas, strawberries and chocolate helps the body produce endorphins - the hormones of joy, which improve mood and reduce the threshold of irritability.Folk ways include various herbal teas and drinks that have a sedative effect, helps to soothe and relieve tension. Brew a cup of boiling water teaspoon of the mixture of oregano, valerian and St. John's wort, add a spoonful of honey, and a strong healthy sleep is provided to you.
Herbs have a great impact on the active function of the nervous system, they not only have a stimulating or sedative effect, but also relieve cramps, helps with headaches.How to strengthen the nerves folk ways? Taking decoctions and infusions of herbs that have a mild effect on the body and do not cause adverse reactions.
1. Prepare a herbal tea: marjoram 30 g, 25 g of hawthorn, clover 20 g, 15 g of valerian root, peppermint 10 g; 3 tbsp. l. mixture pour boiling water, cool and drink 0, 5 cup several times a day before meals. Broth strengthens the nervous system, normalizes sleep.
2. Take 3 tbsp. l. oregano, put in a thermos and fill with boiling water (0, 5-1 L). Drink 1/2 cup in the morning and in the evening before meals. Removes increased nervous excitability and calms. Infusion should not be taken by pregnant women as it stimulates uterine contractions.
3. Pour 2 tbsp. l. Valerian root liter of water and steam the water bath. Strain and take 70-100 g after meals. Valerian great help with nervous exhaustion, mental fatigue, relieves emotional arousal, normalizes heart activity.
Be sure to go in for sports, it will help you keep your body and nervous system in good shape. Exercise relieves stress, removes toxins and burn fat. There is no possibility to go to training - study at home, go on walks.
Sign a pet. Funny kitten or puppy will not let you get bored, do you collect and purposefully. More in touch with your family and friends - they are exactly the source of joy, which we so often lacking.How to strengthen the nerves in these troubled times? In difficult times remember saying wise Solomon: everything passes, and it will take place.
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady