How to relieve the tension of the neck

How to relieve the tension of the neck
 If you are a large part of their day is spent at the office table and exercise, with high probability we can assume that you have from time to time appear headaches, there are "backache" in the neck and shoulder, and perhaps even vertigo. All this - the sad consequences of constant tension in the muscles of the neck and develops as a result of cervical degenerative disc disease. To prevent serious diseases of the circulatory system and the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to remove the stress and give his neck rest.
 Try to always align your back and neck when you go, because the stoop - it is also one of the main causes of tension in the muscles of the neck. Straighten up, pinch the blade back and chest, respectively, output forward, lift your shoulders up and then down and relax your shoulders and neck. Try to pay attention during the day on how you hold the shoulders, and lower them - many people have a bad habit of a little lift, thereby increasing the load on the neck.

The complex of simple exercises for the neck, you can perform several times a day, will help you eliminate the pain in this place and restore circulation. They can be performed standing or even sitting at your desk. Takes only a few minutes of your time and your desire.

Squeeze his hand on his forehead and tense neck muscles, resisting depression. Then relax, free head bowed down.

Somknite hands on his head and push it. Then lower your hands and relax your neck as much as possible.

Push palm on the left temple, and then to the right and neck strain, as in the first exercise and then relax.
Repeat each exercise three times, straining his neck, and then relaxing it.

Straightened. Slowly and without any sudden movements, turn your head to one and then the other side to 5 times.

Lower the head on his chest, relax your neck, and then, without lifting his head, turn the chin in the direction of the clavicle. Do this motion 10 times to the left and to the right, gradually increasing amplitude.

Zaprokinte head back, relax the muscles of the neck. In this position, "roll it" head from side to side 20 times.

Maximally relax your shoulders and lower them down. Then begin to pull up the top of the head, at the same time trying a little (very carefully!) To turn his head to the right and to the left. Repeat this exercise 5 times.

Remove neck strain can also be regularly doing massage. This will be a good prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

Press the palms of the hands behind the neck and stroking her up and down from the middle to the shoulders.

Rub his neck in a circular motion with fingertips (push harder than in the first exercise).

Pinching and knead the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, grabbing them with your thumb on one side and four - on the other.

Pat fingertips shoulder girdle and neck, starting from the middle to the shoulders. Hands leave relaxed.

Complete massage strokes.

Such self-massage, held several times during the day, will restore the good condition of the neck.

Tags: neck, stress, exercise, relaxation