How to improve the circulation of the brain

How to improve the circulation of the brain
 Cerebral circulation depends on many factors, including the state of its blood vessels (arteries and veins) and spine. It is therefore to improve the supply of brain blood have to engage in treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease, inflammatory and degenerative processes in the joints of the spine.
 When significant problems which show signs of deterioration of the cerebral circulation, patients should be engaged in only by a qualified doctor. Purpose of treatment is only possible after the examination of the patient and perform additional research methods that allows accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

In patients with hypertension necessarily appointment effective and properly selected specific therapies that will improve blood circulation and metabolism in the cells of the brain tissue. It is also desirable prescribing, improving vascular tone of different caliber and venous outflow - congestion can affect detrimental to metabolic processes.

The detection of inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the cervical spine can also cause signs of blood in the vessels of the brain. This is due to the fact that only the cervical vertebrae in the back pass vertebral arteries, which supply blood to the back of the brain. So be sure to perform X-ray examination, after which you can decide on further treatment. In some cases, is justified course of massage, physiotherapy, orthopedic treatment (wearing a special collar for easy stretching of the spine).

Be sure to use strengthening therapy, which aims to improve the general condition of the circulatory system - courses of vitamin preparations, sosudoukreplyayuschee therapy.

An important element of treatment policy may be diet, which limits the use of excessive amounts of salt and fluid, smoked meats, marinades. You should also use the recipes of traditional medicine, improving processes of circulation and metabolism in nervous tissue. Be sure to use products that help to normalize metabolic processes - the food should contain the optimal amount of micro- and macronutrients, fatty acids, carbohydrates, which are indispensable for the restoration of normal nerve cells.

Tags: brain, blood vessels, food, head, blood circulation, hypertension