Useful properties of the fruit and leaves of grape cultural (Vitis vinifera L.), woody vines up to 4 meters, were known in antiquity, but scientific study of the beneficial effects of plants on the body began only in the 19th century. By studying the chemical composition of fruits, scientists have discovered in them a lot of valuable items.
Due to the fact that there are hundreds of varieties of grapes, berries heterogeneous chemical composition (remember, even the color they vary dramatically - from green and straw-yellow to pink, dark red, black and blue).
Grapes contain up to 18 - 20% of sugar, 2 to 5% of organic acids (tartaric, formic, salicylic, oxalic, malic, citric, succinic). Different juice of the berry content of quercetin, ENIN, glucoside mono- and didelfinidina. Found in grape tannin, pectin, vitamins B1, B2, B3, PP, B6, C Is there folic acid (B9) and fitohinony (K1). Salts from Vitis vinifera L. found salts of phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, silicon. Trace elements (iron, boron, aluminum, iodine, cobalt and others.) Are also present in the berries.
Useful than grape juice?
It enhances the metabolism of the weakened body, normalizes blood pressure (at higher - lower, low - increases). It is noted that the juice is beneficial to work the airway mucosa, facilitating painful expectoration. Drink helps treat anemia, the initial degree of pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy. Kamnevyvodyaschee known effect of grape juice, so it is prescribed for kidney stones. Chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract are also indications for grapes as a medicament.
Botryotherapy gaining popularity. Famous for their resort area of the Southern coast of Crimea, where he successfully combined with climatotherapy.
Contraindications against treatment with grape juice too. It is not recommended for patients suffering from obesity, liver disease (cirrhosis), certain diseases of the urinary system. Acid in grape juice, - an additional hazard for those who have discovered caries. Precautions for consumption of grape juice should treat people with diabetes, stomach ulcers and bowel cancer patients. Not shown grape juice to people with heart disease and those who are ill with severe forms of tuberculosis.
How to make grape juice and harvest it at home?
Firstly, selected varieties with harmonic content of the acid and sugar (Riesling, and others - from white, Cabernet, Isabella and others - red). Some varieties are not suitable for juicing (Alpha, Dawn North, metal).
Grapes washed and robbing them with strong berries. Knead them to obtain pulp. White has a lot of varieties immediately placed in a press. Varieties of red pulp was heated to 65 ° C, cooled to below 25 ° C and pressed. Drained juice. Settled to become clarified. Keep the juice from the fermentation will heat up to 90 ° C. Hot drink is poured pre-sterilized container, sealed them and put in a cold place (+ 2 ° C - the optimum temperature) .Spustya two months juice should be removed and re-precipitate preserve. This juice will keep the essential nutrients of fruits grapes.
Useful to take grape juice 3 times a day: in the morning, before lunch and evening. You can start with a single dose in 1 cup, then bring it to 2 cups. During the course of treatment should be limited to the minimum reception dishes with fat meat and to eliminate as far as possible from the diet of raw milk and drinks.