Buds allspice ancient healers used during the plague that raged in Europe in the tenth century. Already knew that the smell of clove buds disinfect the room and kills germs. In ancient China, there was a strict rule - before you get an appointment with the Emperor, the officer had to chew cloves buds, so as not to embarrass the master of bad breath. And in Tibet believed that cloves clarifies the mind, improves memory and corrects karma - it was called the flower of the gods.
Essential oil of cloveseven more effectively, because it contains concentrated doses of the active volatile substances furfural, caryophyllene, methyl salicylate and others. Clove oil has long been successfully used in dentistry to relieve toothaches and treatment of oral diseases.
The use of essential oil of cloves very wide: it is used as a means antinevralgicheskoe, as an antiseptic and analgesic. It successfully fights with increased flatulence, improves the activity of gastric juice, normalizes appetite. Just stimulates the uterus, helps with childbirth, is one of the most well-known aphrodisiacs.The use of essential oil of cloves requires no special skills. However, generally, it is used with other aromatic oils.
For oily and porous skin Prepare the following mask: whip the white of one egg, add one drop of oil of cloves, sage and geranium. Apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
When flaky skin women's magazine JustLady recommends trying the following peeling mask: 2 tablespoons Varentsov take one drop of oil of cloves, cinnamon and lavender. Add half a spoon of ground coffee. Gently clean the skin in a circular motion along the massage linyam.
When acne are advised to 5 dropsclove essential oil dissolved in 10 ml of base oil - apricot, peach, avocado, jojoba. The mixture was put on a clean cloth and wipe the troubled fate of the skin on a daily basis.
With Hardened blisters on heels can help structure the following essential oils: 2 drops of clove oil, 2 drops of lemon oil and 3 drops of marjoram mix. Apply the mixture to the corn daily.
Clove oil is just as effective in treating fungal stop. 2 liters of hot water to take 5 grams of liquid soap in it dissolve 6 drops of essential oil of cloves. Dilute the resulting mixture in water and lower legs 30 minutes. Procedure must be carried out daily for 2 weeks. The same structure can be used in scabies.
For headaches. In a teaspoon of almond oil to dissolve 3 drops of lavender oil, 1 drop of clove oil and 1 drop of chamomile oil. Mixture rub the forehead and temples.
When painful contractions. During strongly painful contractions and protracted labor recommend inhale the aroma of clove oil. It's enough to cause a 1-2 drops on a handkerchief or drip a few drops in aromamedalon.Essential oil of cloves increases the tone of the uterus, stimulates and normalizes the frequency of contractions, strengthens attempts - thus speeding up the process of childbirth. But that is why it is strictly prohibited to use during pregnancy.
When low blood pressure enough to light aroma lamp with 2-3 drops of oil. The same recipe is used, if the house is ill SARS, influenza and tuberculosis of the lungs.
For the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, with increased flatulence, colic and helminths can use great caution c
essential oil of cloves inwardly. In 1 teaspoon of honey diluted with 2-4 drops of oil to dissolve all of half a glass of warm water. Take 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach.
Thus it is possible to prepare a mixture of the massage. 2 tablespoons of the oil base to take 1 drop of chamomile and cloves, 2 drops of peppermint and 3 drops of rosemary. Rub in the stomach in a circular direction
Applyclove oil against mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects. Insects do not tolerate the smell of clove oil, so the solution of alcohol and essential oil has long been popular among the people. Its composition is quite simple - 50 ml of alcohol to take 20 drops of essential oil. The resulting mixture can be used in the country, in the woods or by the river while walking. The house, recommend the use of incenses and oil burner. Just the smell does not transfer and moths, so soaked cotton pads can be easily put into shoes and wardrobe.
In ancient Indiaessential oil of cloves widely used in tantric sex, as it is in special mixtures reduces the sensitivity of the glans penis and helps to prolong sexual intercourse. Women as clove oil acts in the opposite way - to increase the frequency and strength of orgasm, removes internal barriers, allowing you to relax and completely surrender partner.
Just say that if the money to grease the special clove tincture: for this you need to mix together 3 drops of patchouli, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves, then soon the money river fall on you. On the results of the experiment tell us on the forum.
Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady