Composition of clove oil is quite diverse. More than 70% of its content is eugenol, about 13% - eugenol acetate and caryophyllene are present, ylang, heptanol, benzyl alcohol, vanillin, furfural, methyl benzoate, and many other components.
Feature of clove oil is considered that it is not a long time to evaporate. Due to its strong spicy flavor agent is very popular in various spheres of life.
It is widely used in the preparation of hot alcoholic drinks, stewed fruit, fruit juices, lamb, pork and game. Very appreciated in canning vegetables, fruit and mushrooms.
Eugenol used in the perfume and tobacco industry and is an excellent tool in the fight against insects.
Clove oil has beneficial effects on the nervous system. It helps to restore power after the emotional and physical stress, has a warming effect, able to stop the willies.
Clove essential oil has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Therefore widely used in the fight against purulent skin lesions, acne, boils, scabies, as well as in infectious diseases and intestinal infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets.
Useful properties of clove oil have found themselves in the treatment of dizziness, respiratory diseases, normalization of blood pressure. It is effectively used for improving the memory of the digestive process, appetite, and for the prevention of rheumatism, arthritis, and viral diseases.
Clove oil and is used in dentistry as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for dental caries and pulpitis. To eliminate tooth pain tooth is applied swab dipped in vegetable oil with 1 - 2 drops of essential oil of cloves.
This tool is very useful for women. It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle, treat infertility, as well as stimulates the generic activities and slows down the aging process.
Application of clove oil in its pure form is possible only in small doses and only for the lubrication of warts or skin areas affected by scabies. When chronic inflammatory skin diseases is recommended to dissolve 3 - 4 drops of essential oil of cloves in 2 tbsp any vegetable oil.
In the treatment of infected skin wounds must be diluted in 30 drops of 100 ml of pure water. Wipe wounds resulting solution preferably several times a day. It is suitable for poultices for cuts, burns, bruises and treatment of inflammatory skin.
For use inside 1 drop of clove oil mixed with ½ tsp honey and all dissolved in a large amount of warm water. Take this remedy should be up to 3 times a day after meals.
Before using clove oil should be checked on your individual tolerance. Among the contraindications to pregnancy should be noted. Caution should be used butter and patients with hypertension. Must comply with the dosing means to avoid the appearance of burns.