Why can not skip breakfast? The fact is that on the morning of sugar content in the blood begins to decline slowly, so we make a snack of cookies and chocolate to once again earned the brain. The result obtained by meals of uncontrolled hazardous products which lead to excess weight.
Eat protein foods for breakfast. Protein will help stabilize blood sugar levels and your appetite will be under control. Perfect breakfast includes scrambled and low-calorie yogurt prikusku with green apple. This breakfast will allow you to not lash out at lunch on the cake with the cake and enjoy a green salad with boiled meat and lentils. The result of such a diet will be seen within a week. Face clear of acne, improve digestion, normal stools.
Drink for breakfast two glasses of drinking water. Water promotes the nutritional components in the body and accelerate their removal. Whereby the morning you will feel ease and cheerfulness in the absence of hunger. Protein breakfast reduce cravings for starchy foods. You will be surprised that favorite candy that will not cause delight, in which you have come earlier.
Breakfast saturates us with vitamins. Try to combine a breakfast menu that every day it was different. As the body gets used to the same food and "misses" by its useful elements Diversify your morning diet. If today you had breakfast boiled egg and Greek salad, tomorrow eat breakfast granular curd cheese and a banana.