Women gloves
Women who were born and raised in our latitudes, the first menstruation occurs, usually from 12 to 13 and 5 years. During the first year cycle is established. Still, for the first year (as, indeed, and following) should be at least 8 cycles. If after 14 years of monthly still not begun, the girl requires examination.
The cycle time is measured from the beginning of one menstrual period to the next: a minimum of 21 days, maximum - 33. A serious problem is considered a delay of 14 days or more (sometimes up to 6 months) - the so-called state oligoovulyatsii. There are situations and backward when menstruation, in contrast, comes too often.
On the other hand, if over the years cycle was 21-22 days, but then suddenly became longer, perhaps is also the alarm. It is necessary to pay attention to the duration of discharge themselves: for example, if 5-7 days with the process fell to 1-3's.
Search for "guilty"
1. The most common (and most banal) cause of failures - pelvic infection. Therefore, in the first place should be screened for the pathogen (which may be, for example, chlamydia, uroplazmy, mycoplasma) to hold and anti-inflammatory treatment. If the problem was limited to infection, usually cycle disorders are not repeated.
2. Much more difficult situation when the irregular cycle lie hormonal disorders. They can occur at different levels in the education of hormones, so they have a certain list, which must be checked.
The plan includes the study of the overall examination of the thyroid gland - and violation here may be associated with its hyperactivity, and vice versa, with a decrease in activity. Sometimes the problem is related to the change in the function of the adrenal glands.
3. Hormonal disruptions may occur in the ovaries themselves. But not necessarily because of inflammation at the moment. Alas, the cause may be, for example, a high index of infection in childhood: that is, frequent colds a girl under 12 years.
4. Rubella and chicken pox can also affect the tab follicles in the ovary and sometimes literally violations arise from the first cycle. The difficulty here is that adolescents themselves rarely pay attention to it, so the problem is diagnosed much later.
It happens that the violations reflect a complex cycle of reasons, including hormonal.
Do I need a hormonal correction?
This question is answered individually. If a patient minor changes hormonal levels in the form of small delays at 5-10 days and already have some structural pathology in the ovaries, it is often possible to adjust the cycle of homeopathic drugs in combination with cyclic vitamin therapy.
Widely used and other non-means (eg physiotherapy). To succeed, this is extremely important integrated approach.
Very handy and can be a clinical psychologist advice - because hormonal changes occur not only in violation of the cycle: acne on the skin, hair growth on male type easily become an occasion for complexes.
At the same instant the effect of treatment can not be expected, since it is carried out within 9-10 months.
Pros and cons of hormone treatment
If a woman has expressed hormonal changes, as evidenced by the delay of 2-3 or even 6 months, without hormonal correction is not cope.
Often these patients, there were delays in the development of cancer. Fortunately, modern methods it is quite possible to help.
5. It happens that genetically follicular apparatus so laid that the woman all his life will cycle disorders - The so-called polycystic ovaries. Typically, these patients are at the dispensary.
If necessary, long-term treatment between courses of hormones women give the body a break from the intense effects of medicines, using the methods described above.
When deciding on treatment with hormones, any woman ask yourself the question: "How does the use of these drugs will affect its appearance?". The fact is that in a comprehensive survey of patients with menstrual irregularities include testing for insulin.
If patients have insulin resistance, a risk to recover against the backdrop of hormones is. Fortunately, this issue is quite decide "in a roundabout way" - because of taking the pill does not increase weight and appetite. Considering this factor, the patient is assigned, for example, reduced-calorie diet. Woman and she notices an increase in appetite.
And if she is ready to take care of yourself, it will teach how to calculate your kalorazh to avoid gaining weight. Some also want more and lose weight.
What risk?
-First Of all, cycle disorders associated with the risk of formation of tumors of the uterus - such as, for example, fibroids, ovarian cysts. They cause some pain. In addition, the cyst can also break - and this is an emergency situation that requires surgery.
At that moment, when there is a delay menstrual function, hormones continue their work - only slower than necessary. Gradually growing in the uterus necessary layer, which, in theory, to be released during menstruation. Sometimes the way it happens.
-Odnako Longer delay, the more giperploziya instead formed (thickness of the inner layer), polyps. Unless surgically remove them and treat more than 5 years, there is a 20% risk of cancer.
-In Force defective hormone with irregular cycle there is a potential risk of infertility. Because of violations egg cycle does not always have time to mature: in the end, instead of a full menstruation turns menstrualnopodobnoe reaction.
It is clear that in such a situation is very problematic to get pregnant. And it's not so bad! When desired pregnancy still occurs following a woman lurking danger - the threat of miscarriage.
Thus, the cycle disorders should not be ignored, because, as indicators of existing health problems, they can lead to very serious illness. Self-diagnosis is elementary - it is only important to notice any deviations and contact a qualified technician.
Eugene Champalova