For the manufacture of beads you will need: beads, glass beads and small beads of various sizes, needles, thread, nitkovdevatel, wax, scissors, crayons or markers, and the album for patterns.
Beads can be used absolutely any size and color. Also will be useful and old beads, from which you can make a new decoration. Keep the beads in separate boxes, and while the spoon in a small dish, pour out socket or tissue with a small bristle brush, such as flannel, which will make it easier to type it on the needle.
Choose thin needle with a long eye. Although you can do without needles, enough to dip the tip of the thread in the nail polish or glue.
It is best to use Lacing thin fishing line, but you can reel conventional nylon or cotton thread. To give them a little elasticity, wipe them with wax. Prizhgite end of a nylon string match, and picking up beads on cotton, leave a tip of about five centimeters long. Once finished Lacing, fix its end, skipping using nitkovdeavatelya or needles in a couple of previously strung beads.
To beads were beautiful shape, pick up beads of the same size and strung them precisely on account in accordance with the pattern. Place the beads close to each other, they should be based on tight, do not sag, but do not tighten the thread to the decoration is not wrinkled.
Depending on the location of the bead stringing when there are several ways of manufacturing. The most common technique Lacing chains of different widths is called "a cross". This is a fundamental principle of many peasant decorations that are on the bottom of a few threads. To operate a thread take up to six meters in length. On the middle line of the first row, type a chain of four large beads. Thumb and forefinger of his left hand hold the beads, and the right hand thread the right end of the thread in one of a number of bead towards the left thread to thread crossed in 1 bead. So to get the first "ring" chain that resembles a cross.
Now do the same way the second "ring-cross". Dial on the right-hand thread, two beads, and the left - one. Pass the thread left in the second bead cross towards the right thread and tighten the ends. In the same way strung third, fourth and all subsequent crosses, beads until they get the desired length. Using beads of different colors, you can create a completely different patterns, but they will need to draw on the album pre-markers or colored pencils.