Tidy your body. If you are the owner of an ideal figure, this paragraph does not apply to you. Everyone else will have to sweat for at least the whole of December. Do not torture yourself strict diet, because long been known that the effect is the exact opposite of their promise. Better tune in proper nutrition and sports. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, give up alcohol, coffee, fried and greasy. Embark on a fitness or arrange gym at home. Three - four sessions per week for one hour will give an excellent result.
Take care of the skin. Whatever dress you choose, your skin should shine from within. To do this, you need to give her a full course of recovery. Start with the body. A week before New Year's Eve to make a peeling. To do this, use a scrub or a special hard sponge. Then begin intensive moisturizing - daily use body lotion, and once a week, use natural oils (apricot, jasmine, etc.).
The facial skin is the most important foundation makeup, so is it worth to have an eye. Proper nutrition and sports already give you a reason to be proud of in the mirror, but do not stop there. Remember the daily cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Start your day with a contrasting washing, wipe the skin with ice for its elasticity, do a hydrating mask. Thirty-first of December mask will not be superfluous (better to choose energy for lights and natural blush).
The choice of dress is a difficult task, but solved it by virtue of every woman. Not worth desperately to believe horoscopes, saying that the orange color, you do not absolutely perfect, must necessarily be present in your attire. Trust your taste and experience, choose something that really suits you and not spoil your figure ridiculous, though very fashionable style. Allow yourself a little glitter and luxury, and your image will play in the festival.
Makeup should be combined with the dress, as well as your type of face and skin color. Feel free to make it darker than usual and do not hesitate flickering shadows and blush.