Yogalosofiya - a powerful alternative to strength training

Yogalosofiya - a powerful alternative to strength training
 New trends in fitness often become popular by celebrities. They are constantly working on themselves and are looking for better ways to keep the shape and beauty. Yogalosofiya - one of such tools developed stellar coach Mandy Ingber and popularized it a client, actress Jennifer Aniston.
 Yogalosofiya - a powerful alternative to strength training. This is confirmed by its long-standing supporters of actress Jennifer Aniston and designer Victoria Beckham. Both ladies have a perfect figure, they support using yogalosofii. It takes only 3-4 times a week to engage in this practice, and within a month can be seen impressive results.

Mandy Ingber Yogalosofiyu invented, a former actress, now a personal trainer stars. She - the best advertising his invention, because her figure fifty-something young girls can envy. In his invention Mandy joined the exercise with techniques that stimulate the emotional energy. Thus, classes yogalosofiey help to improve not only the body but the soul.

As the name implies, is based on yogalosofiya yoga asanas. Mandy Igber developed exercises so that they can do everything, even those who are not familiar with yoga. The complex begins with a greeting the sun 'surya namaskar' and ends with stretching. For beginners it may seem complicated, because requires quite a lot of physical strength. However, at first, does not necessarily make the same number of repetitions over time will develop strength, and the whole complex would be in force.

After a few sessions, you can see how the muscles tightened and there is an additional energy. Adherents yogalosofii less prone to stress and are able to control their emotions. In addition, you can feel how slowly but surely goes the extra weight. Victoria Beckham is well rid of "pregnant" pounds after the birth of the long-awaited daughter. And Jennifer Aniston, full-bodied, can rarely afford to favorite sandwich with tuna and mayonnaise.

Complex yogalosofii - short, it takes only half an hour. However, it is being worked out almost all the muscles, correct posture is formed and increases flexibility. Classes are carried out under the soft music that has a positive effect on the emotional state and helps restore mental harmony after a hard day.

Tags: complex, fitness, exercise, exercise, exercise, alternative yogalosofiya