Yoga for the normalization of sleep

Yoga for the normalization of sleep
 Sleep disorders - a problem that entails lethargy, fatigue, distraction, so it can not be ignored. Be sure to consult on this matter with your doctor. If health is all right, and insomnia does not retreat, do not rush to use sleeping pills, better do some yoga.
 Yoga gives the body the load required to spend the energy obtained from food, and calm the mind. Regular classes help to cope with stress and normalize sleep. Thanks to yoga, you will sleep in a short time and at the same time feel vigorous and energetic.

Perform a simple set of exercises before going to bed, and you will easily fall asleep and wake up. Include complex alternating breath left and right nostrils, breathing exercises to complete, poses cat, baby, fish, plow, stretching exercises for the neck. At the end of classes necessarily relax, slowly inhale and exhale, imagining the air fills your lungs and as a healing it affects every cell in your body. Within a month of regular exercise you will feel the beneficial effects of yoga.

Do yoga only in well-ventilated area, make sure that there was no draft. Before class, take a warm shower or bath. Clothing for practice should be soft, natural fabrics and not much close to the body.

During yoga watch your body movements should be smooth, slow, and combined with proper breathing. Take a break between poses for a few minutes. Catching follow your feelings, do not go out of your comfort zone, if during asanas you feel pain and discomfort, stop and go to perform the next exercise. If you follow these rules, yoga will have a positive impact on the body, sleep problems disappear.

In addition to performing asanas, meditation practice, it is able to replace three o'clock full sleep. You can meditate and in the workplace, for example, during a lunch break, it will allow you to release tension and rejuvenate for further work.

Tags: Yogi, sleep disorder, normalization, the problem