Yoga for relaxation, relieve fatigue and stress

Yoga for relaxation, relieve fatigue and stress
 To get rid of stress, become calm and balanced person, you need to turn inward, trying to be more conscious in life and not to waste their energy on trifles. To distinguish the important from the unimportant in the cycle of modern life will practice yoga.

Constantly doing yoga, a person accumulates energy and learn to keep it inside. Dispose of the mind its internal resources: only do important things, do not worry about nothing and neither do meaningless chores. Be mindful in their lives, actions and decisions that you take every second.

More watch yourself and your breath. Yoga believe that even breathing the same calmness in the mind. So, and relaxation. During breaks at work before the morning and evening yoga practice do breathing exercises. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Start slowly inhale air belly, gradually inflating it. After the abdomen is inflated diaphragm, and then - chest. Stretch breath, breathe with pleasure. Full exhalation done slowly in reverse order: first, the air coming out of the chest, and then from the stomach. Take five slow breaths, breathe in the usual way and hold your breath. If you're familiar with the technique of execution bandh - power locks - follow them. Close your eyes and observe your feelings. When it becomes uncomfortable, release the locks (if they were closed) and slowly, slowly exhale the air. Take a few relaxing breaths. At the last exhale with force release all the air and hold your breath. Delay exhale given more complicated than the delay on inspiration. Do not torture yourself, trying to keep it a little longer. As will become uncomfortable - breathe slowly. Three times, repeat the entire complex. 

Alternate breathing calms the mind, balances the right and left sides of the body, resulting in a balance of cerebral hemispheres. Do this exercise in the evening, you can even bedtime. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Left hand on his knee, palm up, right-to-face lift. Follow Vishnu mudra with his right hand: the index and middle finger, bend and push the palm, the little finger and ring finger push and pull each other up, just as the big toe. Attach this construction to the nose so that the ring finger is touching the left nostril, and a large - right. Alternately squeezing the nostrils with your fingers and breathe free nostrils. Thumb press the right nostril to the nose, inhale left nostril for a count of 2 in the mind. Close both nostrils and do the breath hold for 4 counts. Closing the left nostril, exhale, right, mentally counting to 6. Breathe Right on 2 accounts, again make holding your breath for 4 counts, exhale left side, mentally counting to 6. Thus breathe few minutes, concentrating on breathing and directing an inside look at the point between the eyebrows. You will feel calm and balance, extraneous thoughts will go on the back burner. Finish the exercise, exhale through the right nostril.

Tags: stress, fatigue, breathing, yogi, removal, relaxation, pranayama