Yoga against high pressure

Yoga against high pressure
 High blood pressure (hypertension) is caused by narrowing of the blood vessels of the heart and strengthened as a reaction to the activity of certain parts of the nervous system. There may also be other reasons. The increase in pressure can be observed on the weakening functions of blood vessels, kidney, small intestine, or damage to the liver.
 Thus, the pressure may rise due to various reasons, and therefore be used to prevent this problem, several methods. Of course, if we have the diagnosis and duration of hypertension, drug correction is required. Otherwise, you can use some of the asanas of yoga to normalize blood pressure and internal organs.

Halasana or plow pose

She performed as follows. Lie down on a mat on your back, stretch your legs, tighten your knees. Arms at your sides, palms down. Exhale, bend your knees and then tighten the legs to the abdomen, hips pushing at him. Next exhale Keep your pelvis off the floor, helping hands. Breathing even.

Slightly lower torso, arms and legs move his head, toes touch the floor. If you are not sure, put it on the floor or bench stool and tap your fingers have it.

Straining the knees, pull the torso slightly up and switch it with his hands to the vertical position. Toes thus should touch the floor as far away from the head.

Next, pull your hands in the opposite direction of the legs, hook the thumbs, and then pull the arms and legs in opposite directions, which will give a complete stretching the spine.

In this position, stay during normal breathing for 5 minutes, then release the hands, feet, lift and slowly lower them to the floor completely. Now you can relax.

Paschimottanasana or stooping posture

Sit down on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you, palms down on the floor in the area of ​​the pelvis. Several times inhale and exhale. Exhaling the last time, stretch your arms, grasping thumbs of both legs. Each pinch between the thumb, index and middle fingers.

Now stretch the spine, trying to keep his cave. Bend your back should be on the back of the pelvic bone, arms stretched out from the shoulders. Then back to the flat. Next, do a few deep breaths.

Lean exhale, pushing the elbows, using them as leverage to help pull the body forward. Try to touch the knees forehead. Lower your elbows on the floor gradually pull the torso and neck, knees touch the nose, then his lips.

When you do it with ease, grab the foot to put on his knees chin. When you and it will make no problems, twist fingers clasping hands and chin this time place below the knee, shin. The rear surface of the knee when it must adhere to the floor.

At the initial stage you will kneel on the floor to rise. Strain the back muscles of the hips and move your body forward.

In this position he remained until 3-5 minutes, breathing should be smooth. Next, inhale, raise the head of the tribes, and finally relax.

Tags: pressure, yogi, asana, hypertension