Working posture right in the office!

Working posture right in the office!
 Good posture - it straight back, attractive appearance, self-confidence and health into old age. Posture you need to follow from an early age. Even in school the teacher in the classroom made a comment: keep your back straight, do not slouch, do not stoop low over the desk and not "kosobochitsya."

In the workplace, there is no one to worry about posture, except yourself. Gone into oblivion mandatory industrial gymnastics in the workplace, fizkultminutki after every 2 hours. According to the Labour Protection Act, you are entitled to a 5-minute technological break after each hour of work, especially office workers, working at the computer. But the bill of exchange you this minute as intended? Suffice it to observe during the working day are a few rules to maintain posture and your back is straight and healthy into old age.

1. A major role is played by the choice of the working chair or chair. Sitting on it, you should definitely get a full foot to the floor, your knees should be slightly higher than your hips. The chair should have arm rests to hold the shoulders in the correct position. If your work is connected with the turn of a trunk, the chair should rotate.

2. A small pillow or soft cushion, put behind in the area of ​​lumbar support your back in the correct position.

3. You can not stay long in one position. From time to time perform simple exercises:

- Stand up, walk around the office, lean to the right, to the left;
- Make some movements with his hands or shoulders rotational nature;
- Pull a few times, pausing for a few seconds;
- Raise 3-4 times the shoulders to the ears;
- Repeatedly push the shoulders back to the blade closed as much as possible in the middle of the back, and then relax your shoulders, back and arms.

These simple exercises help strengthen the muscles of the back, subject to regular performance. If you can not do these exercises while standing or on the move, you can do them sitting at the table.

4. It is desirable during working hours to replace high heels for a simple model. High heels affect the balance that strongly violates the correct posture.

Remember posture throughout the day, relaxing shoulders once felt that begin to slouch. Engage posture is not too late at any age, most importantly - remember it.

Tags: muscle, office, exactly