Pilates at home

Pilates at home
 Pilates exercises have been specially invented for people suffering from back pain and joint pain, but, despite this, wanting to play sports. Classes are back in vogue, and many are interested in instructions for Pilates exercises at home.  
 The benefits of these exercises are not only affordable, but also the development of flexibility and training different muscle groups. Just pilates positive effect on the mental state of a person - calms and soothes.
There are three types of exercises:

1. exercises performed on the floor.
2. Exercise with special items.
3. Exercises on special simulators.

Before the training should remember a few rules:

1. During training, all the attention should be concentrated on the muscle groups that train.
2. The exercises should be carried out, focusing on the effort.
3. Correct breathing: breathe in the abdomen, and exhale toward the back.

And a few simple exercises for beginners.


Take the starting position, lying on the floor. Back against the floor, hands down along the body, palms down. Followed slowly pull your knees to your chest, straighten the legs so as to form a right angle. At the same time pull to the chest and chin, and after him and shoulders. Focus on the tension in the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. Inhaling and exhaling should be every five accounts.
This exercise strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, arms, buttocks, back, and should ideally continue for up to one hundred bills.

For the back

Take the starting position: Lie on your stomach, arms and pull up and back. Try not to lift the head from the body level. Hands, grasp the foot and swing on the stomach. Spin in a circle. Then the head is lowered, arms extend forward and palm lie on the floor. After that, buttocks tightened to the soles of his feet to the lumbar muscles get a better stretch. Breathing slowly and deeply.


Take the following position: Sit on the floor, back straight and legs extended forward and divorced in different directions, about shoulder-width apart. Pull ourselves straight arms, back, still must remain straight.
Inhale, tighten stomach and buttocks, the body is lowered to form a round back. Imagine if you have sex between a small ball. Inhale - return to starting position.
Exercise is repeated three times.

Tags: domestic, condition, pain, exercise, exercise, sports, pilates