Morning and evening yoga: exercises and tips

Morning and evening yoga: exercises and tips
 Yoga appeared several thousand years ago. Even in ancient Indian sages practiced yoga to develop his body and mind, to achieve enlightenment. Now yoga has become fashionable and very few people think about the spiritual component of practice. However, the positive effect of the traditional morning and evening practices is undeniable.

Breathing - life.
Start your morning with practice breathing. Saturating the body with oxygen, you awaken him and prepared for physical and mental activity. Breathe full yogic breathing, feeling the life energy from the air saturates your body. Start a deliberate slow breath from the bottom of the abdomen, gradually inflating the abdomen, diaphragm, chest. In this order. Exhale do in reverse order: expelled from the lungs, and then from the aperture at the end of the respiratory cycle lightly draw the abdomen, pushing all the air out. Breathe full breath a few minutes, watching as your body wakes up. Try not to think about the upcoming events.

Hello Sun!
After drinking a little clean water, start a morning workout - Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar). You can easily find a video with these exercises on the Internet. All of the traditional schools of yoga include these exercises into their practice. Proceed according to the rhythm of your breath, do not increase and does not slow down the pace. Pulls the whole body, smile the day ahead, feel the energy spreads through the body. Pay attention to every joint, every muscle. Try to do 8-12 rounds of Sun Salutation.

Wash off your sleep.
After the morning warm-up is recommended for breakfast no earlier than half an hour. It's time to have a great in the shower, finally resulting in shape and flushing possible after Surya Namaskar sweat. Yogic cleansing involves washing the body, face, brushing your teeth and the entire oral cavity. If you do not have a special scraper to clean the tongue, use a toothbrush.

A refreshing drink.
A cup of freshly brewed green tea, drunk after practicing yoga, refresh the mind and body will give courage.

Hello, the moon!
Evening yoga practice mirror-morning: in the evening we do Greeting the Moon (Chandra Namaskar). Use this video until you learn the sequence of asanas. Take an evening workout on an empty stomach (you can eat 2-4 hours before yoga) and complete exercise 2 hours before bedtime. Perform 6-12 circles Lunar Greetings, stretching and relaxing your body. Try to regain his attention inward, release the cares of the day, watch your body. Only peace and awareness to help you perform the exercises on balance, comprising a set of Chandra Namaskar.

Easy breathing.
Relax after exercise. Sit on the floor with your back straight and your legs crossed. You can perform several cycles of full yogic breath as you did in the morning, or simply breathe in a relaxed, watching every breath of anxiety and excitement of leaving your body. Try to relax and feel like a trickle of cold air to breath tickling his nose. On the exhale warm air warms the upper lip.

Water treatments.
After the evening yoga practice, take a shower or a hot bath, drink herbal relaxing tea. Try not to watch TV and talk less. Keep calm and quiet inside.

Tags: exercise advice, yogi, Surya Namaskar, Chandra