How to develop plasticity

How to develop plasticity
 If your dance at the disco reminiscent of incendiary dance Pinocchio, you should address the development of such remarkable qualities as plasticity. After all, to move gracefully, not necessarily born in a family of dancers and get flexible muscles and joints moving inherited from mom and dad. With due diligence, you can buy these advantages, even if now you do not possess anymore.
 Very often, the inability to move due to lack of elasticity of ligaments stretching and weak. Therefore, it is first necessary to develop these qualities.

Any exercises aimed at developing flexibility, it is necessary to perform warm up your muscles. To do this, you can do some simple movements, such as side bends, squats, rotations hands and swings hands. You can also warm the body, take a warm shower or bath.

Stretching can be static and dynamic. Static is more suitable for beginners. During the execution of these exercises you will die in a useful position for 15-20 seconds. Do not believe those who propose to freeze in a pose polushpagata front of the TV for half an hour. Gradually, your muscles may lose their ability to contract and cease to accumulate kinetic energy.

If the nature of your ligaments "oak", as athletes, stretching exercises you have to do all the time. Even a short break in the classroom will lead to the fact that you will lose all the acquired abilities. Therefore enable stretching in morning exercises. If you go to the gym, do them in between the use of force. In addition to the flexibility it gives you extra strength gain of almost 19%.

Drag until the limit until you feel strained muscles. But do not let the appearance of symptoms. Never perform stretching jerks, all movements should be smooth and slow. Do not forget, your muscles and ligaments are now at the limit of its capabilities and any boost may result in injury.

When you realize that most awkward postures gives you the ability to easily and stretch your muscles increased significantly, then it is time for action. You can work at home beautiful movements in the mirror, dancing to the music. But the more effective will be the group sessions of yoga or pilates. Both of these areas of fitness are specific combination of smooth movements and postures that require good training. In addition, you will be engaged for the supervision of a qualified professional.

Within two or three months of regular exercise, you will feel like your movements changed. Spin will be straight, shoulders deployed, and hand movements smooth and expressive. Apart from the purely aesthetic pleasure and you will get extra protection from injury. People with a good stretch and plasticity much less likely to become victims of ice and a nasty fall. After all, they know how to move correctly.

Tags: muscle stretching, a bunch of movement, flexibility, plasticity, yogi, pilates