To align posture needed a desk and chair, whose height can be adjusted. Relax your shoulders. The back should touch the back of the chair (or lying on her pillow-cushion). It is desirable that a chair or armchair were rotating. Bent at the elbows should be on the table. Legs must be bent at an obtuse or right angle (to enhance the effect can be put on the bar stool or low). The pelvis should be tucked up. Between the chest and the table must be able to pass his hand.
Women should carefully choose the bra. The best option - underwired bras or with straps that crisscross in the back. Should not be abused and high heels. During household chores, try to squat rather than bend down; Use brooms and brushes with long handles. And the more you walk - relaxed and upright, not hunched and bulging chest or abdomen.
There is a simple exercise to check the "correct" posture. Stand with your back against the wall, behind the heel is approximately 7 inches from her. With proper posture, you can put your hands between the wall and the back at the waist and his head and shoulders at the same time will touch the wall.
To correct posture is necessary to try to sleep on your side, putting a flat pillow under your head. It is advisable to take a pillow made of natural materials, it will "adjust" under the curves of the body. Another put between his knees. Thus it is possible to align the position of the femur and pelvis. If this posture uncomfortable to lie, try to sleep on your back, a pillow under your knees.