Flexible body

 Many women in the pursuit of the ideal figure not attach special significance of such an important characteristic of the physical form as flexibility. Indeed, if the goal - to run 10 kilometers at a time, then why flexibility? Here endurance, yes more. And if the barbell squat, then certainly. What is flexibility? For strength training strength is needed. And develop it.  

In the category Fitness: Step Aerobics

Did you know that the sprawling, flexible body - supple and responsive to exercise much faster? What is the power and endurance are growing by leaps and bounds, if along with them, we develop and flexibility?

Flexible body capable of a greater range of motion, allowing you to avoid some injuries (such as sprains and dislocations). Fewer injuries -Less unforced idle, plus the confidence in the performance of new training programs.

In addition, the increased range of motion helps to involve more muscle fibers when performing strength exercises, and thus gain muscle tone and the desired shape in less time.

If you suffer from muscle pain, you develop flexibility, it can significantly reduce. Flexible muscles are restored twice as fast and have more "stock" strength.

All people have the flexibility developed in different ways: some flexible "in itself" (plyuhnetsya in cords and did not notice), and someone will have a lot of hard work to get at least a pose "a dog with his head down." But the second option is not so bad. "Long and hard" - does not mean "through I can not," does not mean "through the thorns to the stars", which means only a "systematic."

Develop flexibility - Simple. No need to make special days and hours in a tight training schedule, you can simply choose a fitness program, where in addition to strength and endurance and flexibility will be developed.

Do not need special equipment purchased, to spend money on a personal trainer, you can practice at home.

All found
All training programs anyway include stretching. It provides heating and throughout the body before exercise, and relaxation of muscles after hard work. But this is not always enough to Flexibility has become really impressive.

For this there are special kinds of fitness, aimed at increasing flexibility.

Look at the class schedule in his fitness club and if you see something on our list, feel free to sign up.

1.Yoga. Any kind of yoga develops flexibility. We can say that the physical performance of developing a priority in yoga. In yoga there is a drawback: increased muscle flexibility and joint mobility, you are unlikely to increase your stamina and strength. Fortitude does not count.

2.Pilates Bodyflex. These types of workouts as opposed to yoga and increase strength and endurance, and flexibility. The ideal option for those who like a quiet fitness.

3.Stretching. The program focused on the development of flexibility. Figure correction using this program you are unlikely to get, but the ease throughout the body for the day is guaranteed.

4.Callanetics. Power program. Performing the exercise in statics and provide static stretching.

I - itself
If you do physical activity themselves, not attend group classes and do not work under the personal trainer, do not forget to include in your workout stretching exercises muscles. However, five minutes before and five minutes after not enough to develop significant flexibility.

The Followingexercises to develop flexibility you can do even at home.

1. In the front legs apart slope to the right leg, touch the hands of the right foot. Count to 30. Do not wiggle, no bounce, bend the knees. If you just can not reach the foot, reach for at least to the knee. Then try to move lower and lower. Repeat the same with the other leg.

2. Lean forward to both legs, take hold of the lower leg. Springy tilts forward, help himself with his hands and try to touch the feet of head. Over time, the need to strive to put your elbows on the floor. Legs can be closed, and wide apart, knees straight. Heel from the floor to tear. Count to 30.

3. Sit on the floor, legs spread as widely as possible. The slope between the legs. Try to put the body between the legs. Heel from the floor, tear, flowing movement. Linger in the stretch to 30 accounts.

4. Sit on the floor, legs spread as widely as possible. The slope to the foot. Leans to one leg, trying to get the fingers to the heel and put the body on the leg. The legs do not shift. Staying in an extension to 30 accounts.

5. Sit on the floor. Bend your knees and bring them to him. Foot adjacent to the foot. Push hands on the wide-open thighs and try to put the body in between. Stretching for the adductor muscles of the hips and waist. Staying in an extension to 30 accounts.

6. Stand on one knee, like a knight, who takes the lady flowers. The back is straight, the second leg firmly standing on the floor, knee bent at a right angle. Take the leg, which stands on the knee with the foot and pull up to the back as close as possible. Stretching for the quadriceps. Staying in an extension to 30 accounts.

In addition to static stretching and dynamic can be practiced, for example, perform a variety of swings (this type of stretch marks not only increases the flexibility of your muscles as increases joint mobility). When performing dynamic exercises need to be very careful and follow the amplitude of movements, not to exceed it, and not to provoke injury.

Do not neglect stretching exercises: body will get smoother contours, movements become graceful, free and easy.

Anna Kirikova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: flexibility