Women's Power: Combat sports for girls

Women's Power: Combat sports for girls
 Increasingly, martial arts classes can meet girls in kimonos and are working out on the mat grips and throws an equal footing with men. Every year, women who want to master the art of martial arts, becomes larger.
 Arts classes is primarily a self-defense skills and self-knowledge. They learn to listen to your body, strengthen your mind and allow you to take control of the emotional state. In addition, the martial arts contribute to the harmonious development of the physical and improve coordination.

The name of this type of martial art is translated as "the way of the hands and feet." The main focus during the training given to working out punches and kicks, including blows in the air (split in the air, run up the wall, jump from place to a height of 1, 5-2 m). Despite the fact that practicing taekwondo kollosalnyh require physical exertion, more than a third of people involved in the halls of martial arts by this kind of martial art, it is women. Through a combination of techniques aerobics, acrobatics and power devices muscles tightened, cellulite disappears and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

This martial art originated in Japan in the mid-twentieth century and is the most mild in comparison with others. It is based on smooth supple movements aimed at following the force of the enemy and control his movements. During a workout, strength and aggression of the enemy used and directed against him, and the defender remains in composure. Not in vain the name of the direction of translation from Japanese as "the way of harmonious development". Different schools of Aikido used during training and also traditional Japanese weapons. To date, Aikido is one of the most common types of martial arts.

This type of martial art, according to experts, was born in Brazil and has been transformed from the traditional ritual dances and Indian tribes of South African slaves. Kapueyra full of smooth movements, flips, the various elements of acrobatics and dance. She has absorbed many movements from other martial arts. Kapueyroy classes usually take place under the music and contribute to the development of flexibility, ductility, strength and endurance. The emphasis is on footwork, while the hands are used to support, protect and cuttings. Thanks kapueyre there is a good stretch, the body becomes more flexible and feminine.

Tags: girl, view, power, sport, Tae Kwon Do, martial, aikido, martial art, woman