What kind of sport you choose?

What kind of sport you choose?
 You've decided to take their health and figure? If on such an important step separates you only one caveat - you do not know what kind of sports to choose - a women's magazine JustLady help you sort out all the variety of techniques that can make a perfect shape, posture correct and beautiful walk. I have to say that there is no universal recipe and can not be, because we are all so different! Chief adviser - this is without a doubt your body. How to understand it correctly, is willing to share with you a women's magazine JustLady.

Information aboutwhat kind of sports to chooseNow is not just a lot of it falls upon us like an avalanche, but it served a one-sided. It seems that the beautiful, slender and well-groomed want to be the only young and absolutely healthy women. And what, for example, those over ...? Or those who for health reasons forced himself to take care of and can not work out in full force?

Training for those over ...

With thirty years, whether we like it or not, there are changes in the body. The situation is such that it is at this time the peak of social activity of women. We are constantly engaged in: life, kids, career, - where here to wonder "what kind of sports to choose"? Meanwhile, the extra weight accumulates, and, imperceptibly, and often leads to a bouquet of comorbidities. At forty, we understand that the body requires, if not the major, the decoration for sure. Most of our women take it for granted and continues to lead a normal life, but there are those who do not want to put up, go to the gym or attempt to regain harmony and mobility. That's for them female site JustLady and prepared this article.

First of all, we must realistically assess the extent of the damage caused by time. Pay attention to the cardiovascular system, kidneys and musculoskeletal system. As a rule, the age of forty imbalance of muscles - some more developed, some less, your task is to restore this balance. If you have not played sports, erstwhile flexibility may be lost, and reduced bone mass. How to bring these figures to the norm, / strong & gt; which sport to choose? Women's magazine JustLady can only advise, but you choose.


Aerobic exercise, namely These include walking, - a form of exercise that best health-promoting and maintaining the body, which is called a tone. Walking will suit any woman to ask a question:what kind of sports to choose? It is believed that to burn fat walking trails preferably running and aerobics. For practicing walking does not need a subscription to the gym, do not require constant monitoring and coach. Having mastered the technique, you can practice walking on their own.

The main rule of the sport - stop in constant contact with the surface. The deduced forward leg should be straight from the moment of contact with the surface until the separation. Place of training can be selected track park, school stadium, promenade or treadmill exercise machine, that is, absolutely any platform, which is important in the matter ofwhat kind of sports to choose. Depending on the physical training and as you master the technique, you can use a slow walking, at an average pace and, in fact, sports. To control the load there is a special device - a pedometer. It is proved that three and a half thousand steps every day, for women aged forty years, causing you to lose 3 pounds of excess weight in a year. Want to lose more - increase the load.

What kind of sport you choose?

Norwegian walking

Alternatively Nordic walking can be considered "Norwegian walking." It is very fashionable in Europe now direction, built on the basis of walking on skis. Of equipment - sticks, instead of skis - sneakers. Age restrictions - no, that is one of the main criteria for women facing a dilemma:what kind of sports to choose. Walking sticks resemble the ski, however, have their own design features. This is not just an accessory for larger entourage. This simulator for the upper body. They contribute to the development of the chest muscles, cervical spine and shoulder girdle, improve coordination, and are an excellent means of prevention of degenerative disc disease. Hour walk in the technique of "walking the Norwegian" burns up to 400 calories, plus a great mood, improve blood circulation and beneficial effect on overall health.

What kind of sport you choose?


Woman and tennis - a combination of organic so that to convince someone that ping pong or a game on the big court - female employment, is not necessary. Tennis - it's beautiful, somewhere, even aristocratic, effective and fun. Partner can elect a loved one or friend - this is to your taste, but that doubles have a beneficial effect not only on the physical but also the morale, no doubt. Women think aboutwhat kind of sports to chooseOften stop at tennis because of the possibility of communication. Those who have never played sports, preferably selected table tennis, load is much less, therefore, the possibility of injury is minimal. Table tennis has come to us from England, where he was a favorite pastime, as gentlemen and ladies. What are we worse than the British aristocracy?

What kind of sport you choose?

If you have vision problems, and you are at a loss,what kind of sports to chooseSo as not to hurt yourself, buy a table to play ping-pong and use it as a trainer for the eyes. Table Tennis - is a great way of prevention, as nearsightedness and farsightedness. Older people remember that in many offices and factories in Soviet times were table tennis tables. Here are just a few know that the game of ping pong were recommended by medical officials is to prevent eye diseases.

Be active, healthy and beautiful at any age, one has only to put such a goal, and the excuses that "at my age" to change anything it's too late, not for modern women. Love yourself, get your health, and you will feel that life is much more interesting and varied than you used to think - women's magazine JustLady can say this with full confidence.

Elena Raichenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: health, sports, the impact of walking