How to wheel with no hands

How to wheel with no hands
 Wheel without hands or, as it is called, arial - quite spectacular acrobatic element. Its main advantage is that the physical effort of performing virtually not required: only need to work on coordination component that is an excellent workout for all novice gymnasts.
 Basic wheel to do absolutely confident and technically. First of all, it is important to smooth body position - ask people, do not bend you legs during execution. The next thing is uniform - at the wheel should not be jerks, the speed must be maintained throughout the entire item. Finally, try to keep the chosen path: to put hands and feet must be strictly in a straight line.

Start making the wheel with one hand - a reference. If you prefer to do the wheel right shoulder forward, the same right hand should touch the ground - keep left behind or to the side. The secret execution speed: the higher the speed you set at the beginning, the less support you need, and the less effort it will take to make.

Change the hand, but not the direction. Thus, making the wheel right side forward, you have to touch the ground with his left hand only. This is primarily to increase the duration of your stay in the "free flight" and allow to get used to this feeling. Repeat the exercise as long as you do it with absolute certainty at least three times in a row.

Follow the ordinary wheel, but hold your hand setting. Make it a rule to put first the outer arm (as in the last paragraph), and only then the internal; addition of a second place of the "free flight". Increase the speed of the element - over time the need of the Hands will be minimal.

Begin to focus on the technique of execution only after the previous steps. By this time you will make sure the wheel and largely intuitive, but because work on the execution will be easier. Arial is mainly due to the footwork: jogging leg, unlike conventional wheel (where you literally "fall" on the support arms), you must throw a few up, give the jump. The second leg at this time, you must specify a strong swing, which will determine the rotation. You will achieve a truly high-quality execution only if learn how to do this push.

Tags: hand wheel, flip element, acrobatics