How to use the swimming pool

How to use the swimming pool
 FYI the pool usually hang in plain view, but hardly reads them every visitor. And every second does not read, or even ten. The vast majority believes that without these rules knows everything. Because of this pseudo-knowledge and occur in pools trouble incidents and even accidents. Know the rules and execute them - the duty of every visitor to the pool.

Even before visiting the pool, make sure that the method of disinfection of water in the basin is right for you. In most artificial reservoirs water is chlorinated. Do you carry this water? Do you have any allergies or intolerance of the olfactory chemical reagent? Today there are many alternatives to chlorination disinfection methods - ozonation, ultrasound and ultraviolet water treatment, fluoridation, etc. If you do not chlorine "friends", stop your choice on alternative pool to avoid health problems and mood.

With him you have to be a rubber cap and goggles for diving. Thus, you can prevent your eyes and hair from the effects of the water in which, one way or another, the presence of chemical agents. It is desirable to have a rubber slippers, which are very relevant in your locker room by moving directly to the pool, where can occur fungus infection of the foot and nails.

Before you dive into the pool, be sure to take a shower.

Rinse off all makeup before entering the pool. If the water is chlorinated, you may have an allergic reaction, and penetration of cosmetic products in the eyes or on mucous membranes of the nose and mouth is extremely harmful. And then, it is simply incorrect - climb into the common bath, means essentially a pool, with a layer of makeup on her face, so ugly that "float" in the water.

But special protective creams and lotions in the pool is quite appropriate. When applied to the skin they create a thin plenochku that protects the skin from the negative effects of water, especially chlorine. The use of other creams, lotions, mousses and other means before entering the pool is prohibited.

If you are a woman, refrain from visiting the pool during menstruation. Tampons and pads will not save you, and pick up an infection in this period is very easy, because menstruation weakens the immune system and thus lost the body's ability to resist infection.

You can not bring in a pool of alcohol, beverages in glass containers. It is forbidden to swim with food in their hands (and teeth). This is especially true for children - adults are required to keep track of them and to control their behavior.

If you are involved in sports such as swimming pool, is prohibited without a coach to jump from stone or ledges, hanging and sit on the lane, throwing boards and swimming circles on bumpers and circuitous paths, swimming swim across the tracks, and, of course, can not be in a bowl in the pool the competition.

Prohibited use of the pool in a state of alcoholic or narcotic state in the period of acute diseases, especially infectious, in the presence of skin diseases.

After a swim in the pool, take a shower, then, Having dried, use cosmetics intended for use after the pool.

During the whole time spent in the pool should unquestioningly obey the representatives of the staff and to implement their recommendations and requirements relating to your conduct.

Tags: pool, behavior