How to start playing tennis

How to start playing tennis
 To learn to play tennis, you need to pay a lot of attention not only technical but also physical training. A few important factors affect the successful mastery of the sport.
 Purchase equipment for the game. You will need some quality rackets, covers them, shirt, jacket for warm-up, 2 pair of light shoes, wristbands, knee pads and cotton skirt. Make sure the clothes sits comfortably on you and you in it comfortably.

Find a skilled trainer. It all depends on your age. If you are still a few years, you can start training in a group under the direction of a mentor. Well, if you have already had to deal just for yourself in the age of reason, then you need a sparring partner for the game. Many teachers prepare young and young girls to compete, so you will be uncomfortable to practice with everyone in the group.

Podyschu court for regular workouts. In the summer, it is best to play on an open ground floor. Do not do it on the pavement, as can severely damage the legs. In cold weather suit indoor court with a covering "hard".

Start by hitting the wall. On the first training you are unlikely to immediately begin to play with the ground. First, the most important thing - to get the hand and strengthen the joints for the subsequent heavy loads. Mash well and warm the muscles. Then take the ball in hand, toss it up a bit and hit it racket smooth motion with a small swing. The left leg should be slightly ahead, and right - back.

The ball must hit the wall and go back to you. Try to catch it with his hand. Continue this exercise. Do it at the beginning of each subsequent workout for 15-20 minutes.

Learn how to apply the ball. Stand in their half court to face the opposite side of the square, where you are going to serve. Throw the ball up and sweeping arc movement hit on it with the upper side of the racket. Enclose hit full force housing. Make sure that the ball hit the square of the enemy. If it does not, make perepodachu.

Enjoy a driving range on the right and the left. They are executed on the same principle that you used when training hitting the wall. The only difference - Side rackets, which you beat. If you need to send the ball to the left, you spin rocket precisely in this direction, behind the left leg back. If the right - then you need to hit the opposite side of the racket. Secure all acquired skills while playing with a partner.

Tags: a game of tennis