How to get rank in tennis

How to get rank in tennis
 Sport category is assigned to experienced players. Those who wish to receive it, you must pass a series of standards, which requires a single Russian sports classification. Having a discharge can be periodically raise it.
 At the age of 11 can get 3 junior level tennis. To do this, you must take part in at least ten singles matches. As a result, the competition must win 2 athletes who do not have a discharge, and a second-class athlete.

The second junior level can be obtained upon reaching 12 years of age and under the condition that twice won the match with a second-class tennis players and once - with pervorazryadnikom. In addition, it is necessary to take part in 12 competitions throughout the year.

When the tennis player of 13 years, it should take part in the 12 games of the year and win two first-grade and the owner of the third adult category. In the performance of all conditions of the athlete becomes the owner of the 1st Youth discharge.

Discharges for adults assigned to similar scheme. The only difference is that for the assignment of the second and third digit in the big tennis participation is required in 15 matches, and for the first - 20. In addition, to get the first adult category, you must win two first-grade and one candidate for master of sports.

Get the title of Candidate Master of Sports complex. To do this, take 5-10 among single or 2-4 in a pair of the Championship of Russia or any international competitions.

There is a gradation - master of sports and world-class athlete. To obtain the title of Master of Sports Athlete tennis players need to take place 1-4 in singles and 1st place in the doubles at international tournaments or the Russian Championship. If an athlete enters the 10 best rated tennis Russian Tennis Federation for the year, he was immediately awarded the title of Master of Sports.

The title of "world-class athlete" means that a tennis player reached the ¼ finals of the US Open, Australia, France, the United Kingdom or the Olympic Games. Help get this honorary title and 1-2 places in the zonal matches Federation Cup (women) or Davis Cup (men) provided 2 wins.

Tags: class, tennis, rank, master, adult, sports, discharge