Sew elastic collars

Sew elastic collars
 Knitted fabrics, such as jersey can be used to manufacture elastic collar. These collars are sewn to products made from jersey as well as from normal tissue. In the latter case, it is assumed that the gate and must be wide enough so that it passes freely head, or it should be supplemented by a cut.

Elastic collar can be divided into several types. Collar "boat" stitched to the rounded collar. The edge of this flat is laid inside the collar at the base of the neck, and its width in its final form is three to five centimeters.

Sufficiently high stand-up collar "polo". Obtyagivaya neck, it can be single, double or wrap the outside. In contrast to the "polo" collar "turtleneck" is not very high and thus is able to stretch, though fits snugly neck. Its width is generally no more than five centimeters.

Ready elastic collar made from a knitted fabric having a tensile elongation can be sewn using the following technique: it is necessary to pre-needling to form gate insert article. This collar will be good in the products of flat, low or wide-cut goal.

Since the direct elastic collar features a high degree of tension, it is better suited for high and narrow grooves. Depending on how the fabric is able to stretch as far and requires tight collar, its length is selected. Usually it is cut shorter than the seam line of the neck, on the length of five to ten centimeters with the addition of two passes at the seams. The width of the strip should be greater than the width of the finished collar twice based allowances.

Once the strip is cut to share cloth, it must be folded inside out and jotted the ends so as to form a ring. The next step requires the strip to roll along the length of the front side facing outward and pin via pins to the neck, the collar having divided roughly into four equal parts and if necessary, stretching it.

Pristrachivat collar neck line need to zigzag stitches. For it to be exactly went through the gate, while sewing it must stretch, holding between the pins. After you have cut off seam allowance, stitch edge should be treated with "zigzag". Return the form collar if he is a bit stretched, it is possible, if the hold over him with steam iron. The seam should otglazhivat towards the product.

Tags: stripe fabric, rack, straight