The price of victory over cancer Christina Applegate

The price of victory over cancer Christina Applegate
 In August 2008, fans of Christina Applegate shocked news - the actress was diagnosed with cancer. Fortunately, the disease was diagnosed at an early stage. The woman took a radical solution - to remove both breasts.
 American magazine «People» publishes an annual list of the hundred most beautiful people in the world. When this is taken into account not only the external beauty. Of great importance are spiritual qualities.

In 2008, the album cover picture graced the 37-year-old Christina Applegate ("Cuddles", "Aliens in America", "Anchorman").

Actress always has a strong personality. Once she injures her leg before the show, but came on the scene, despite the terrible pain.

This time she took all her courage. Of course, the news shocked Christina. Cancer is detected at the next routine inspection. The mother of the actress had a similar illness, and Applegate are at risk.

As acknowledged by Applegate, she was shocked. But she had the willpower and self-control not to fall into hysteria or depression. She immediately switched to an appropriate diet and generally moved to the state "must take care of yourself."

The disease was found at an early stage. Doctors have recognized that the most effective way of treatment, excluding relapsed, is to remove the breast. Christina decided to take action. She was successful.

Further examination revealed that the actress managed to beat the disease. In later times it was held a series of operations for the full restoration of the breast.

Immediately after surgery, Christina was going through hard times - it could be without his beloved work, her body was different. As acknowledged by the actress, it was very hard.

But she knew what to put up with it and pull myself together. Gathering her courage, Applegate showed themselves and others that she is doing well and she is happy. And once left alone, crying.

But she lacked composure almost a month after the operation appear at the ceremony of the "Emmy". Christina was a stunning evening dress and radiated joy and confidence.

According to the actress, believe in yourself and go back to work she helped her good friend and later husband Martin Lenoble.

To date, Christina continues to act in films and television work. And in January 2011, she gave birth to a daughter.

Applegate said that the disease has made her stronger and became in a sense a blessing. From modest and shy girl she turned into a man who is not afraid to be the center of attention. Cancer taught her to fight, and it's not going to give up.

Tags: cancer, price, illness, victory, fight, breast, Christine Applegate