Dibrov with a young wife Pauline Nagradova carefully conceal their story of love and dating, she is entangled rumors and gossip. It would seem that everything is simple - married twenty-three Sasha Shevchenko lived - not like it. Marriage in haste, and the young went to the registrar after the third date, rarely ends well. So I decided to take revenge for Alexander grumpy character - almost divorced and married to another, even younger. Press the wedding was a lot, and Sasha Shevchenko could not help but notice the happy faces and Dibrov Nagradova looking at her from the covers of magazines.
It turns out it's not so simple. In the press infiltrated rumors that Dibrov Nagradova and walked to her marriage long two years. In this case, it turns out that one of the two years he was married to Sasha Shevchenko. Once, in 2007, a young and ambitious seventeen model Paulina Nagradova hit the beauty contest «Beauty of the Body». The jury sat famous TV Dibrov. Pauline won the man of her beauty, chiseled figure and magnificent breasts. After the competition at the banquet they talked. Dibrov did not leave a single step Pauline, caring for her and compliments. Thus began their romance.
No one, but two did not know what a black cat ran between them, but after a while the couple parted. Dmitry on one of the secular parties appeared with a new companion - Sasha Shevchenko. After three visits he made her an offer. The girl did not hesitate to agree. It was scandalous wedding. Firstly, it became clear that Sasha is though far, but still a relative Dibrova, and secondly, he turned the wedding into a farce, coming to the registrar's office on the bike in the Cossack costume. It was evident that the bride unhappy, not about that she had dreamed since childhood.
It turns out that marriage to Sasha Dibrov avenged Pauline, and not vice versa, so it is not serious and belonged to the marriage - because for him it was just a game. Young consistently attracted media attention, willingly giving interviews, covering even those details of his personal life, which are usually kept for seven locks. And soon after the next scandal, Sasha packed up and went to live with a friend. It was found that during the marriage with Sasha Dibrov reunited with Pauline and even had time to get acquainted with her parents. TV presenter did not return his young wife, but rather with pleasure signed the divorce papers. Almost the same day they filed an application with Pauline in Griboyedov registry office in Moscow.
A month later, their wedding took place, it was a pretty solemn celebration took place in one of the best restaurants, and suits the bride and groom did not cost them cheap. The next day the couple flew to France for their honeymoon, and soon the press zapestrili new titles - Pauline Nagradova expecting a baby. There were speculations that this was the reason for the imminent parting Dmitry Alexandra and immediate marriage to Pauline. Whatever it was, in February, were born a boy, who was named in honor of Alexander's father, Dmitry. This is the third child and the firstborn Dibrov Pauline. The first two children TV presenter - son Dennis and daughter Lada born in different marriages and live separately from his father, visiting him in Moscow. With ex-wives Dmitry maintain friendly relations, not counting Sasha Shevchenko.