Personal life Irina Rozanova

Personal life Irina Rozanova
 Irina Rozanov was born in the city of Ryazan, in 1966. Her parents were actors, and childhood Irina went on behind the scenes. Problems career choices of girls were not. Although parents are well aware of the complexity of the acting profession, dissuaded her daughter after school Irina went to enter the GITIS. However, the attempt failed only the second time. After graduation Irina starred in many films, in 2007 he received the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Irina Rozanov does not like to talk about my personal life. She loves the house, comfort and cleanliness. Even staying in hotel rooms, there produces cleaning and decorates them, giving the comfort of home to a nondescript number. Irina dreamed that will marry once, and my husband and I will celebrate their golden wedding. Dreams of children. But life decided otherwise.

Rozanova first husband was Eugene Kamenkovich. They were married in the third year at college, and their marriage, as many student unions, was short-lived. He lasted only two years.

With the next husband - Timur Weinstein, Irina even got married, but alas, this time the marriage is not specified. Irina dreams of children, pregnant by Timur, but lost the baby. And when Timur plunged into the business, and quite ceased to pay attention to Irina, she one day just left him with a suitcase in his hand.

Crashed and third marriage Irene, with cinematographer Gregory Belenky. They met on the set of the film "Children of Monday", and immediately fell in love. Wedding celebrated in the country with a good friend Irene - Eldar Ryazanov. Rozanov found a common language with his daughter Gregory, Gregory became friends with his mother Irene. But something went wrong this time. Irina was alone again.

Irina wonderful person, a wonderful hostess, a very good actress. It is sad that she was so unlucky in his personal life. Hopefully, she will meet a man with whom will be happy. She is still young, and perhaps her childhood dream of golden wedding with her beloved husband still come true.

Tags: actress, life, Irina, Rozanov