Original decoration frames

Original decoration frames
 In recent years, more and more people are seeking to decorate their own ordinary things. Whether it's a bag or a simple wooden or plastic frame for a photo. This new trend of fashion has been called - handmade. And its popularity is very simple to explain. Who would not want to have an original exclusive thing?

It is necessary to stop the attention on the design of picture frames and mirrors - the small little things that create comfort in our homes. In addition, currently there are many different types of devices and their decoration. Take, for example, the simplest. Decorating using colored beads and beads or finished compositions of rhinestones. What could be easier than the finished frame to stick a couple of ribbons, buttons, coins? Get a simple and tasteful.

You can paint the frame, for example, the color of gold or any other (better to choose the colors of paint that is suitable for the overall design of the room). On freshly painted, but had time to dry the frame can be attached to all kinds of buttonholes (good in stores this good enough). Or stick lace fabric (contrasting paint colors and lace perfectly accentuate each other). Obtyanite framed textiles, sew it colored buttons of different diameters and shapes it also looks pretty nice.

Search your closet or garage a couple of old newspapers or take and print on black - white printer labels made various interesting fonts. Cut them out and glue onto the frame, top, apply a few layers of lacquer or vinyl products. Also in this embodiment can add a little glitter. Updated thus frame heal a new life.

Original frame can decorate and by means of a relief acrylic paste. After relief now in vogue. Shells and stones brought from the sea, can be wrought edge of the mirror, creating a perfect setting for it. Such a mirror and pleasant memories will recall, and will look very impressive.

Another fairly simple and common way design - decoration using cereals. On oshkurennuyu frame, apply a layer of glue, sprinkle grains (semolina, wheat, oats), dry and once again walk glue. Once dry, apply a second layer of glue paint (pearl, acrylic). Such a framework can be done with children, have fun and to spend time with.

Tags: author, frame, idea, design, decoration, decor