Husband of Angelina Jolie

Husband of Angelina Jolie
 Various magazines around the world more than once recognized Angelina Jolie the most desirable and sexy woman in the world. Life connects it with different men, but only in a relationship with her third husband, she was fully proved to be a terrific actress, a beautiful wife and a caring mother.  

Her first husband, actor Jonny Lee Miller, Jolie met in 1995 while filming "Hackers," starring which became both the first serious work. At the wedding, which took place a year later, the eccentric bride appeared in black leather pants and a white t-shirt on which blood was derived the name of the groom. Later Angelina explained by the fact that blood ties are stronger than a signature on paper. Rejecting the wedding rings, the couple sealed their union with blood - jabs fingers, they mixed spoke droplets.

Since both acting career gained momentum, the time for joint they had very little. Loud statement actress was not confirmed in real life, and after 18 months of Jolie and Miller separated, and in 1999 formalized the divorce, justifying his break so that the wedding was on reckless youth act. It is possible that Miller was hard to reconcile with severe and multiple cranky wife, who, being in the status of a married woman, never ceased to promote the idea of ​​"free" love and bisexuality.

In 1999, Angelina starred in "Managing the Mission." Her co-star was the actor Billy Bob Thornton. Gradually mutual flirtation led to a marriage in which Jolie passion for eccentric, fully shared by Thornton, revealed in full. Actors were married in Las Vegas. The wedding ceremony, to which they came in T-shirts and jeans, they cost less than $ 200. As wedding gifts the couple gave each other tombstones and parts of the cemetery.

Throughout life together they wore around his neck pendants with each other's blood. This time Angelina inadvertently perpetuate the name of the spouse in the form of tattoos, which then had to be reduced. Interview actress wore a shade scandal: she often talked about her passion for the topic of death, about knives lying under her pillow. The couple divorced in 2003. Angelina while already thinking about motherhood, and Billy Bob, being twice the age of his wife, without much enthusiasm took the idea of ​​adoption of Cambodian boy Maddox.

Relationship with the popular Hollywood actor Brad Pitt Jolie began in 2005 while filming "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Since then, the couple has become a favorite target of the paparazzi lenses. Pitt at the beginning of the novel was married to Jennifer Aniston, star of TV series "Friends". For a long time the star denied the existence of the relationship, but in early 2006, Jolie announced her pregnancy from Pitt. All six of the couple's children have the surname Jolie-Pitt. Of these, only three are their biological children: a daughter Shiloh Nouvel and twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. Receivers are Maddox, Pax Thien and Zahara Marley.

At this time, Jolie, according to her, is in no hurry to formalize the relationship. Her statements are strikingly different from those big words that she spoke in the past. Hollywood star says that the main thing - it is their children and love for them, and the official registration of relations in itself does not mean anything. Jolie is largely influenced by their partner: Following her example, he also became involved in humanitarian activities. In addition, the pair founded her own charitable foundation. Angelina's ex-husbands with whom she remained on good terms, are close friends of the family Jolie-Pitt.

Tags: marriage, husband, life, angelina, man